Chapter 1: Bully

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Death kept ringing in my ear, or in other words, my alarm. I reached over on my nightstand looking for my phone. I turned off the third alarm I had set before calling quits. Getting up for school was always so hard. I dragged my feet to the edge of the bed, sitting there for a few minutes wondering what I ever did to deserve school. I finally forced myself out of bed and went to the bathroom doing my morning routine. I got dressed in a pair of leggings, a grey batman shirt, and a pair of black converse. I put a beanie over my head so that I wouldn't have to put effort into fixing my hair. I put on a bit of makeup to make me look alive and not as dead as I felt on the inside. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I filled up a bowl of Fruit Loops eating it while scrolling through my phone when my dad walked in and kissed the top of my head. "Morning princess."

I swallowed the cereal in my mouth before replying. "Morning."

He leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms folded in front of his chest and smile on his lips. "You do realize what time it is?"

I looked down at my phone and noticed that if I wanted to get to school on time with my legs then I needed to leave now. I stuffed one last spoonful in my mouth before running to the door. I struggled shoving my arm in the other strap of my backpack almost tripping on the steps in front of my house.

I heard a laugh from next door. Standing on his front porch in all his glory was my neighbour who happened to be the most popular boy at school. Nick Leighton. Star football player, panty dropping handsome, and dating the hottest girl in school. To my dismay, he was also the biggest bully. He used his status and the love of our teachers for his constant football winning streak in our football obsessed town to get away with anything. Out of all the people in the school, he chose to bully me the most and I had no idea why. We used to play with each other as kids, then people started realizing he was on the more handsome side of the spectrum. That's when he abandoned me and joined the more popular kids.

I was not totally forgotten, no. I was still his little "punching bag". Thanks to him, I was social suicide at school. If anyone wanted to escape Nick and his group's torment then I had to be avoided. That's why I couldn't wait to graduate. I wanted to get as far away from this town as possible. As far away from him as possible.

I shot Nick a dark look before I heard a bark. Nick's dog escaped his backyard as he always somehow managed despite his owners' constant efforts to keep him inside. The adorable beagle ran to me and started jumping on its hind legs. I bent down and scratched behind his ears.

"Hey there Flash," I cooed him. Nick had an obsession with the Flash as a kid, hence the name.

"Come here Flash," Nick whistled, but his dog didn't listen. Between the two of us, I was pretty sure Flash loved me more. I always snuck him treats and played with him when Nick was out with his friends. Nick's parents made me Flash's official dogsitter when they needed one. Flash was basically my only friend.

A smug smile came onto my lips at that. "Go inside Flash. Come on."

The dog wiggles his tail before listening to me. I shot a gloating look at Nick's frowning face rubbing in his dog's betrayal before continuing walking to school. It was not that far of a walk, only twenty minutes.

It wasn't until ten minutes of walking that a familiar horn sounded behind me. I closed my eyes in anticipation. "Hey Eva! Looking good in those tights!"

My whole body tensed in anger.

Every damn morning.

I hated his voice. I hated everything about him.

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