Chapter 4: The snow covered rose

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(OMG SOMETHING OF MINE THAT ISN'T 3 CHAPTER'S!??? I MUST REALLY BE BORED XD or my childhood movie got me back to it- *COUGH COUGH* PHANTOM OF THE OPERA- *COUUUGGGHHHH* but seriously, thank that movie, the sequel's play, and my digital dagger's radio for motivation or this book wouldn't be going any further soooooo hehe ye!- *SMACK* OWWW what the heck!? Zipper: Well if you didn't wander off into another fandom, we would have this situation now wOULD WE!? Me: yes alright hehe btw this is the trashcan- Zipper: Hardened, Solidified insanity of my inner self she ment.. Me: INDEED, she nor my oc will not be appearing in any of my stories unless the role is extreamly miniscule and ENJOY- I hope, I'm unsure of this chap cause it was finished before the last one was, well... written down ayways, and I beleve the next two chapters are nearly done, but I'm unsure of what to coninue with- BUT I'LL FIND A WAY, I always did ;3 Finally, there will be a question I'll need you guys to answer for me and it'll be at the bottom A/N but ye ENJOY! X3)

Encre's P.O.V

I don't remember much after that, all I can recall is that I heard a heartbeat, probably mine, and a voice. Currently, I was pretending to sleep as I was being carried. My arms were being crossed apon my chest but not tied. Something soft and silk-like covered my body, most likely Fall's cloak. It was freezing, feeling the steam of my breath attempting to heat my cold frame. I felt something gently tug the cloth around me more, shielding me more from the wind. A small, cold object gently landed on my nose, staying solid for a second before melting into water. 'snow.' The crunching of the other's boots echoed throughout the silent icy storm.

 My instincts are telling me to run, to get away from the man who took me from my home. But, my heart spoke an entirely different story. It made me want to be close to him, a hunger of some sort. A dark possessive addiction that overruled all other emotions. This... This.. angel, he's kept me safe, protected me, and I... From what he said last night... How are you my shadow? You're my protector. I didn't realize I had cuddled into my captor until I felt his grip gently tighten, I could feel his gaze silently watching me. I didn't get chills nor feel uncomfortable. It warmed me, a slight flush growing on my cheekbones as I hid my face in his chest. I heard no soul beat in his ribcage, only silence.

Fall's P.O.V

I kept my eyes squinted to avoid being affected by snow blindness. Encre was waking up slowly from what I can tell. I covered him with my cloak to try and to reduce his shivering, it seemed to work a little, but not enough for my standards. He needs to get somewhere warm, and as soon as possible... It was daylight sure, however, the clouds were able to cover the sun enough to the point I could roam freely. My main focus is on getting Encre out of the cold, with how long I've been able to travel with him asleep, the province has gotten closer, although there was still someone on our trail, and I won't put my whole kingdom in danger for his sake. There should be a town nearby, we can rest there and if he falls asleep again I might be able to finish off the last one. Encre's body suddenly curled up closer to me. I don't see why for I have no body heat to keep him warm so it was quite meaningless.His eyes slowly opened before meeting my gaze. Wearing a worried expression, he layed his palm on my chest; where my soul rests. "A-Are you alright? You can get hypothermia in that kind of attire." He spoke softly, a little scratchy from dehydration but gentle. Looking back to focus on where I was going, his hands clutching at my shirt, waiting for an answer.

Encre's P.O.V

" I can't get cold, but you still can. There's a town up ahead that we'll be resting at to get out of this weather." His voice was calm, a bit confident as well. So I'll be sharing a room with my savior, I haven't even thanked him for what he's done already, I'll have to once we reach the town. But something was bothering me, why was he doing all of this? That vague sentence from last night doesn't help with my confusion of the situation, and who was he? I know he's a creature from the forest, but what were his likes, dislikes, favorite activities? I really am becoming fond of him, aren't I? Fall is more than a no-minded killer, I know he is. "Hmhm... I'm flattered you think of me that way.." How did he!? Snapping back to reality, I see him looking forward, his face graced with a beautiful jaune, a soft smile was there as well. 'So calm.' "It's true though, you aren't what they say you're like. You should be able to choose your own fate not... Not this." His smile seemed to grow at my words, a slight chuckle escaped him before he abruptly stopped walking. "Is there something wrong? Was it what I-" "No..I" I followed his gaze, what I saw took my breath away. We were surrounded by bloomed roses, all a dark mysterious ruby color, sprinkled with specs of snow. It was dreamlike, something you wouldn't expect from a region that rarely snowed.

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