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March 15,2017

Corey Drew Seager & Ciara G

Corey: what did they told you?

Ciara G: Aren't you supposed to be playing?

Corey: I'm not playing this week
Answer my question

Ciara G: They did a examine and those results had something to do with eggs meaning Babies

Corey Seager: how many are there?

Ciara G: there's 4 eggs as long they don't open i'm good

Corey Seager: What Eddie did to you was absolutely wrong... I'm here with you if it does open become a baby

Ciara G: that's not how I wanted things to end 😫! Atleast if I do end having that baby will be mine even it been in my womb for 9 months

Corey S:I'll be the father... i don't care


Javier Báez POV
Her eggs to have babies are there i told her I'll be the father she told me yesterdays she was crying when she found out the news.

She drove down to San Diego just to come see me play she loves me enough all we did was made out.

Kike eachtime was trying too separate us but it was impossible it was just a strong connection

Coach even was trying to separate us it was an amazin feeling even we

She brought Alessandra the 2nd sister

All of us all here she loves me very much as well also had Luna which I'm mad about she had these shorts that everyone was checking her out

Corey Seager P.O.V
I told my brother's I'm not letting her go even though I broke up with the girl i was with i wasn't feeling it

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