Im sorry...

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All the words that rung in my mind were......what now? Ugh I'm so fricking embarrassed, that I got out of the shower with out thinking. Suddenly I blushed, remembering the moment and what happened between me and 707.

Maybe I should enter a chat room to get my mind off of this. It's the only useful thing I'll do in my life any ways. (Lol me)

-new chatroom has opened-

ZEN: Good evening everyone

ZEN: Except for you Jumin

Jumin Han: I don't need a greeting from you.

MC: Oh ya good evening~

Jumin Han: Did you eat dinner yet?
(Not this dang question again) .-.

MC: No

Jumin Han: Oh, well you should eat soon. It's very important not to skip meals.

Jumin Han: Maybe I should decide what to have for dinner.

MC: Maybe a hamburger?
(What hamburgers are good)

Jumin Han: A hamburger......?

Jumin Han: What is this "hamburger"?

MC: You don't know what a hamburger is?;;;;;
(Darn you rich people)

MC: You don't know what a hamburger is?;;;;;(Darn you rich people)

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ZEN: That's sad

ZEN: Trust fund kid, not knowing what a hamburger even is -_-

Jumin Han: I'll have one today then.

ZEN: Wow look at this character development

Jumin Han: You learn something new every day

ZEN: That's funny hearing it from you

MC: Haha yeah....

MC: Hey um I know this is really off topic but

ZEN: ?

Jumin Han: Say what you need to say MC

MC: I'm sorry

MC: But I don't think I can say it right now

ZEN: What do you mean...?

MC:  Im sorry

Jumin Han: Stop saying sorry. What do you need to say?

MC: 707 already knows, but I don't think I'm ready to tell you guys yet.

MC: Im

MC: sorry

-MC has left the chatroom-

Jumin Han: What was MC talking about?

ZEN: Beats me

ZEN: Should I call her?

Jumin Han: I wouldn't want to bother her,

Jumin Han: But if you really want to hear what's going on it's best to call her.

ZEN: On it.

-Zen has left the chatroom-

Jumin Han: I should get going

Jumin Han: I hope MC is okay

-Jumin Han has left the chatroom-

Wow. I just left the chat room just like that. I'm probably super suspicious now.... *sigh*. I walked to the microwave to warm up some instant cup noodles. Feeling a little helpless I heard my phone ringing. "Ring, Ring, RingGg, RingGGGG, RINGG-I grabbed my phone to pick up the caller.

I don't even know who is calling me.... "Hello?" Said a smooth ensuring voice. I didn't reply back. "This is Zen, I saved your number since 707 gave it to me". Oh so this is Zen huh, I was about to reply until I remembered that he would hear my male voice.

"Hello?, hello?" Zen asked confused. "Um, MC?" I kinda felt bad to leave him hanging there. So I just hung up on him instead.....(wow rude)

Sh!t Sh!t! I feel so bad about this. (You should) that's it. I have to tell them someday. I trust the R.F.A right? Well of course I do. So I'm going to tell them in the chat room tomorrow!

Let's do this! Let's do thi- oh wait my cup noodles, hopefully they are not cold yet. I slipped across the apartment floor to the microwave. Well looks the noodles are cold. *sigh* my life.

Hi author here! I know haven't updated a chapter in a while and I'm sorry (pls forgive me). But I'll make chapters update more quickly when possible! Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, it will get more interesting in the next chapter!!~ Tutsensei_707

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