You Take My Breath Away

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"Why do I have to get dressed up tomorrow?" Vriska complained, staring at her boyfriend.

"Just trust me, it'll be great, you'll love it." John reassured her. "I'll pick you up at 12."


The next day, Vriska had just barely finished her makeup when the doorbell rang. She walked downstairs and opened the door.

There stood John, dressed in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. He grinned at Vriska, "Good thing I'm the heir of breath because you look absolutely breathtaking."

Vriska rolled her eyes but she smiled anyways at the lame joke. "You're such a dork. Now are you going to tell me what this is all a8out? What's with the presents? Not that I'm complaining."

John smiled, "It's Valentine's day!" He said happily, holding out his gifts and stepping inside.

"Is that another one of your human holidays?" Asked Vriska, taking the flowers and the chocolates. She went and set them on a table as John closed the door behind him.

"Yup! It's a day where we celebrate love!"

"That sounds pathetic." Vriska said, walking back to John.

"Oh come on, give it a try. You're dressed up anyways, I was planning on taking you out for lunch."

Vriska thought about it for a bit. "I guess that would 8e nice."

John smiled, "Great! Let's go!" He took her hand and led her out the door excitedly. Together, the two of them headed to a nearby restaurant.

They went inside and found it extremely crowded, "Don't worry," John told Vriska, "I made reservations."

"Good, I'd h8 to have to w8 for these losers to finish their lunch first."

John grinned, "Lighten up Vriska, they're here to celebrate too." They waited for a waiter to show them to their seats. They soon ordered and their food arrived rather quickly, considering how many people were there.

"You know, if nothing else, you humans have gr8 food." Vriska said grinning as she ate.

John nodded, "I'll bet it beats eating raw meat."

Vriska laughed, "That's for sure."

Afer they ate, John led Vriska to a park across the street. Together, they strolled through the park. It was slightly cold and there was still snow on the ground so though it made the walk a bit chilly.

Vriska shivered and huddled closer to John, "You know, I think I'm starting to like Valentine's day. Although why does it have to 8e in winter? I'm freezing!"

John laughed and put his arm around Vriska, "I'll buy you some hot chocolate, alright?"

"That sounds amazing."

They didn't go far before they found a stand selling hot chocolate. John bought a cup for each of them and they continued their walk.

They laughed and chatted for a long time and they eventually found themselves back at Vriska's hive. "This has 8een a lot of fun." Vriska said happily.

"I loved it too." John agreed.

"Thank you John," Vriska said giving him a kiss. "8ut now it's my turn to treat you. Come on, we'll watch a movie. That's what humans do on d8s right? I'll make you dinner too. Then you can sleep over." Vriska grinned and pulled him inside.

John laughed, "Sounds like a plan."

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

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