The One Who Protects

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A.N- I wrote this story as a challenge to my friend. My friend chickened out, but I kept writing on and adding to my story and I am still adding on to it. Soooo....... Enjoy;) BTW this story might have some swear words..... You have been warned.

Prologue/ Intoduction

My name is Sora Sylvia, and I am a Jumper. A species that is able to teleport. I have been on the run since the age of seven. I am mostly known as the lucky one. The reason I am on the run is because I was in the wrong woods at the wrong time doing the wrong thing. I was only seven nearing eight when I came face to face with the demon of death. The demon of death is a hunter who hunts the Jumper species. I obviously did not know that when I was seven I thought I was a  normal human being with a normal human life. I was unprepared, and the truth is I didn't fight the demon, I just chickened out when a boy around the same age as mine did the fighting. I can clearly remember he was a little taller than me he had dark long black hair and matching set of eyes that were darker than the night sky. I adored his beauty, and since that night every dark headed boy reminded me of him. He was the best thing that had happened that night.

Present Life

I thought I could change things up and stop running. My whole life consists of me running, I never had a boy friend or a best friend. The only thing that belongs to me is my dog Narita he has been with for my whole life. He has been running with me for my whole life.

I dyed my natural blonde to black. Dying it made a HUGE difference. I also bought myself a ton of black make-up. I need to cover myself so my kind doesn't recognize me, even if the our population is small, I can't let my kind recognize who I am. My kind is a liability, if they know I taking a break. The word will travel fast, and before I know it I am on the run again with the Demon of death behind my ass. I am sick of running. I am 18 now I have been running for more than half my life, and I want to STOP. I want to have a life, a life with a boyfriend and life with a best friend. I want to go to school, I want to pass, I want to fail, I want to party. I want everything I have never had.

I have been jumping in and out of the bank so that I can pay the rent, buy some food and a kennel for Narita.I got myself a two bedroom house with a small kitchen, a bathroom and a medium sized living room. I also bought my self new clothes, new shoes, new bags and new furniture. I enrolled myself to the closest high school, Gurlington High. I make myself dinner and turn on my new T.V and go outside to pour Narita dog food into his new personalized dog bowl. I also bought him a collar that matched Narita's fur. He is a Huskie with the shades of grey, black and white. His bright blue eyes were gleaming with excitement. I finish my dinner and walk to my new bedroom. I lie on my comfy new bed and mind wonders off. I fall asleep thinking about my past, present and future.  

As I straight my natural curls I realize I have only five minutes to make my breakfast, feed Narita and do my make-up. I decide to skip breakfast, and I hurry out the door while feeding/saying good bye to Narita. I half run, half walk to school. Gurlington High is only 10 minutes away from my house. I walk into receptionist's office and say that I am new and that I need to meet the vice principal. She searches my name on the computer and tells me to wait. Soon after the a professional looking man walks over and says " You must Sora Sylvia".

I stand up and say " Vice principal Willkinson????" not sure of who he is.

He reply's "Yes and you are home schooled right?"

That was a lie I made up so I could join the school. I say "yes" with full assurance. VP Willkinson tells me to wait as he finds me a guide for a week. I really didn't need a guide, I can manage myself pretty well for god sake I have been running for my who fucking life but I didn't want to be mean so I waited as he told me to.As I wait  I hear an announcement going through the loud speaker asking for Sky Adams. Sky  Adams that's a beautiful name. I am surely going to call one of my kids Sky Adams. I love that. A boy the same as mine walks in he is tough looking with dark black hair that is up in a small ponytail and his bangs which were swept to the side fell perfectly over his dark eyes. He was wearing a lack T-shirt and ripped jeans. His beauty turned to anger as he sees's me sitting on the chair. He walks directly to the vice principal and starts arguing. Both of the are arguing and every-now-then the boy points to me. It makes me wonder what I had done to him to make him hate me. The arguing had stopped Mr.Willkinson walks towards me with a huge smile and say's

"This is Sky Adams, he is going to be your guide for a week"

This guy who looks so bitter has such a sweet name, Sky Adams. I thank the VP while he told Sky "You need to do hours and this will help"

Sky mumbles"Whateva"

He walks over to me and say's "Pass me your Damn schedule" his voice is rough and demanding. I like it.

I unfold the schedule that was given to me while Sky and VP were arguing. I push it into Sky's hand, and he scans it intensively.  I am surprised he doesn't want to know my name so I say " Sky, don't you wanna know my name ?"

"I don't need to know who the fuck you are or what the fuck you have to offer and don't call me Sky" I immediately reply "I am Sora"...."and I don't care, then what am I supposed to call you, if you don't like Sky"

I don't know what's the deal with him, he has such a beautiful name, SKY! why doesn't he like it. This kid is weird, I have to keep an eye on him.As we pass the bathroom, I have this sudden urge to go and check my make-up.

He quietly replies" Call me Adam, Sky brings me bad luck.....This morning I was called Sky, then I got stuck with you".

I try to make out he meant but I give and say " Ok A-D-A-M I need use the bathroom. So wait outside". I walk into the florescent filled bathroom. I close my eyes, then it suddenly hits me, I have seen Sky before. His dark hair was so similar and his dark eyes that burned my skin have burned me before. I just can't put my finger on it. I ignore the fact that Sky is oddly familiar and check my make-up. I take a deep breath and walk out the bathroom feeling like the queen of the world.

I find Sky sitting on the ground next to the bathroom. His knees up to his chest his hand folded over them and his head in between them. (In a sad position. If that makes sense). He must be having a rough day. I have never seen guys sad, but I shouldn't be the one judging how people feel since the only people I know are all dead or in my imagination. I start to walk over to him and as I do he starts to get up.

I say " You can sit...If you are not feeling well"

"Don't act like you fucking care"

"I do care about people"

"No you don't"

"How would you know?...We just met"

"I do kno.....not know. You just look like a person who doesn't care that's all"

"Well I'm not"

"Ok what eva...Lets get you to your fucking class"

I decide not say anything, I don't want to annoy him anymore, he looked like he would bite my head off. As we walk down the the dark blue halls that are filled with silver lockers, I realize the familiar look that Sky had possed. He looks like the boy that saved on the night of disaster.I decide to ask him.

" Do I know you?... You look strangely familiar" 

"No...You aren't my type person, if I wasn't stuck being your personal guide, I would've never talked to"

"Oh" I feel hurt, I know we just meet but for some reason it feels like I have known him forever. I have to know more about him. He suddenly stops in front of a door and says "It looks like I'm stuck with you for the whole week since you pretty much have all the same classes as me.... which is kinda a bummer...but wat eves". Then he walks in and sits down in his seat which is way at the back. The teacher looks at me, then Sky, then me again and say "Aren't you going to introduce our new student to the class"

He replies"Nope...She has a mouth for herself you know". The teacher looks at him and says to me "Excuse Sky's behaviour, I'm Mr.Jacob and I teach English...and You are???"

" I'm Sora Sylvia, I have been home-schooled all my life, I finally moved out of my parents house and decided to finish my last year of high school in an actual high-school"

"That is quite a goal. You caaaaan have aaaa seat next tooo" he stops his sentence and scans the room for free seats "You can sit next to Adam" I walk past the row of unfamiliar faces and sit next to Sky.  As I sit he grunt and moves his stuff away from me. What is wrong with this guy, like what have I ever done to him? 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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