Tyler Joseph X Reader

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You sat up quickly in bed.

It was one of those moments where you wake up mid-dream to find out you REALLY need to pee. You crawled out of your bunk, doing your best not to wake anyone.

Just last month, you had agreed to join your boyfriend, Tyler on a tour around the country. It wasn't bad, except for the bunks. It was rather common for someone to get woken up for just about anything. If someone were to get to bed late, turn over in their sleep, snore, or get up in the middle of the night to pee like in your case.

When you got on the bus, you had been given a top bunk, making it that much harder to get in and out of bed. Tyler had offered to share a bunk with you, but halfway through the first night, you realized that it was rather uncomfortable, and also a tad scary given the drop from his middle bunk. Alas, you were stuck with the one above his.

As you snuck off your bunk, your feet had trouble finding the bunks you used as a ladder. You thought you had heard someone sit up in their bunk, but you held your breath and hoped someone was merely turning over.

Then, you did the best you could waddling to the bathroom in hopes not to pee on yourself.

Once you found the door, you quickly closed it, perhaps a bit too loudly.

You mentally cursed yourself while holding your thighs even tighter together.

As soon as you saw the toilet your bladder had one of those "Holy crap I see the toilet, can we just pee now?" moments, causing you to rush to sit down.

Then you heard it, a very faint and quiet knock on the door. It took you a moment to make it out, but then you heard Tyler, "-kay in there?"

"One second," you whisper shouted back, hurrying on the toilet.

Without washing your hands, you opened the door you hadn't bothered to lock, and in came Tyler.

You closed the door behind him and began to wash your hands.

Tyler somehow managed to step behind you in the tiny bathroom, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You okay?" he whispered in your ear.

"Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I just heard you get up really fast, and you had me worried."

You twisted so that you could place each hand on his shoulders and give him a soft kiss.

"Thank you for worrying. It's sweet, but I'm fine. I just REALLY had to pee," you said.

Tyler let out a light chuckle before placing a gentle yet passionate kiss on your lips.

"Sorry for worrying," he chuckled.

"It's too sweet for you to be sorry," you giggled, snuggling into his warm embrace. It was so warm and inviting, you never wanted to leave.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" you asked him.

"Yeah, but what made you change your mind?" he looked down into your eyes.

"I just love you is all, plus you're super cuddly and adorable," you said, making Tyler laugh almost too loudly before you quickly covered his mouth, making you both laugh even more.

"You have to sleep on the edge though," you told him.

"Deal," he laughed before picking you up, ignoring all your silent protests to be set down.

Five minutes later, settled in Tyler's embrace, you were more asleep than you had been all night.

𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝓋𝑜𝓁. 𝟥Where stories live. Discover now