Chapter 16: Patience

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"He's just sitting there though."

"No, he's probably meditating."

"Merlin never meditates."

"So what is he doing?"

"We shouldn't bother him."

Merlin gave a grin as he heard his friends argue. They were attempting to decide whether they should talk to him or not, bickering with each other on who was right and who wasn't. "Or maybe your bickering bothered him already and you should tell him what's going on." Merlin interjected, earning silence from the group.

"Merlin, are you sure this is a good idea- wait, is that Draegan?" Arthur asked as he moved forward to see Merlin watching his bowl of water with intense interest.
"Yup." The former manservant stated.
"What- When- How?" Morgana sputtered as she recognized what Merlin was using to spy on the false-king.
"When we infiltrated the castle. I left my stone necklace hanging in the rafters." Merlin explained to the group as he watched Draegan pace and yell at his knights, who looked frightened by their king.

Arthur raised his eyebrows, impresses with his friend's forethought. "This will work, he's breaking down and so are they." Merlin explained to his friends with absolute certainty.
"When?" Arthur asked, Merlin understanding that he was referring to when they would break down completely.
"One more day." Merlin said positive and confident in his analysis.
"Hold up, the extra food. You planned for this!" Gwain shouted, proud of himself for connecting the dots.
"Yup, you are quite observant Gwain. I had a feeling we might be delayed or forced to hole-up, granted I didn't think I would be waiting them out, I always kind of assumed- oh look! Things are accelerating." Merlin said happily as Draegan threw a glass.

Merlin stood up and walked away, his friends in tow.

"So what do we do now?" Mordred asked as he paced Merlin.
"Patience is a virtue. We wait, one day. Just one more day." Merlin explained, his eyes were alight with dreams for the future.

Draegan was getting worse. He could feel the anger and bloodlust of the curse set in. The King was pacing in his stolen throne room, his hair was wiry and knoted from the constant action of running his hands through his hair.

"Your Majesty." A man, well built in stature and confidence announced as he strode through the large wooden doors.
"Yes, Filworth, what is it?" Draegan asked. His head twitched a few times to the side before he shook it like an annoyed horse.
"The men are losing faith. You are losing the moral of the army. You have to take control of the situation. Renew their hope." The knight informed his King as he swiftly rose.
"I am their king, aren't I hope enough?" Draegan asked in frustration.
"You are not of Ambrosia blood, they need you to prove you are stronger than the prince. If you fail-"
"Do not tell me what I am and am not you insolent arse!" Draegan cried before he stumbled out of the room.

"You were right, this is working wonderfully. No one will suspect anything wrong when the time comes." Filworth spoke to a shadow, the shadow chuckled dryly.
"I always deliver on my deals. You will become king, Draegan will fall." The shadow hissed.

Filworth flinched as it trailed it's crooked, dead, black finger down his cheek. It's red eyes bore into his own, pride flashing through them. Slowly, it brought it's lips to his cheek. Filworth was worried that it would kiss him, again. Instead, it's tongue darted out and trailed from the bottom of his jaw to his temple.

"I can taste the corruption on you Filworth. The stain that I marked you with, it suits you Filworth." The thing hissed as it glided to the middle of the room and halfway up towards the ceiling. "I will be back in ten years to collect what is... rightfully, mine Filworth." It stayed with an evil smirk before it twisted in itself and disappeared.

"I need incentive." Draegan muttered as he placed the box into the ground.
"How can I help you, Majesty." A voice hissed, having a nasal sound to it.

The King turned around to see a shadow figure, it's red eyes glinting in the moon light. The creature was dressed in a cloak that shrouded it from view.

"What's wrong Majesty? Did you expect to look more pleasing?" The creature asked as it glided up close to him. "Like this?" The creature murmured.

However, it had changed form. No longer was it a repulsive shadow, lurking in the dark. It was now dressed in white, it was a she and she had fiery red hair and red eyes. Her skin was pale and soft, like porcelain. She was petite and looked deceivingly angelic.

"Yes I did. I need my daughter back." Draegan ordered as he wrapped his thick arm around the woman's waist.
"Seal the deal with a kiss and your daughter will be with you again." The creature explained.

Draegan wasted no time, slamming his lips against hers. Then, her lips became stiff, they tasted disgusting and we're craked.

"Here is your daughter Draegan. I will be back in ten years to retrieve what belongs to me." The creature stated before it collapsed in on itself and disappeared.

Joetta was sleeping when she was taken, thus, she was still asleep when she appeared at Draegan's feet. The False-King picked his daughter up gently, do as not to wake her, and set her in the carriage. He ordered his chauffeur to go as fast as possible so that they could grt therr before Joetta woke up.

When Draegan and his daughter did arrive, he ordered one of his men to take her to the throne room and chain her there in the center. He had a feeling that Merlin had, in fact, taken a liking to Joetta and would do anything ti keep her alive. He hoped that meant throwing logic to the eind as well, knowing that at this point, it would be the only way to win.

And he would win, Draegan vowed, he would do anything to win this war.

Even selling what little bit of his soul was left.

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