Chapter. 15

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***** Jessica's POV ****

When I saw Jack G running with Krista, and Krista was all bruised up and everything, I felt really bad. I ran in the car with them so I can check up with Krista. What if she dies ? How will I survive ? Krista has kept me
alive from many things, she helped me stop cutting and helped me to ignore the haters, without her I'm nothing. If she dies I will have no one besides the magcon fam but we only see each other every while. We were in the car on the way to the hospital, and Krista did not look good, she was bleeding and all bruised but thank god Brent, Jack J, and Shawn were there helping her. I was crying the whole time I couldn't stand this. " Shit, " I heard Brent say, I looked behind where him and Shawn were sitting with Krista. I looked and Krista and she wasn't awake, she knocked out. " No this can't be, " I yelled. "Shhh everything will be okay, I know how you feel, " Jack J told me. " No you don't know how I feel , Krista saved my life and was the one who got me interested in this vine thing without her I would've been nothing, " I screamed.

We got to the hospital and Jack G ran carrying Krista to the emergency room. I was crying, what if she's gone ? If she dies, I will have nothing.

**** Shawn's POV *****

I felt super bad for Jessica, the whole ride she was crying and mumbling stuff like " I'm the reason she's dead , it should've been me , why her " but we couldn't do anything about it, if we did she would get all mad and scream, that would just get her more upset. We got to the hospital and Jack ran in to the emergency room with her while the rest of us followed. Not long after here came Hayes came running in with Chloe in his arms. Is she the one who did this, Jessica whispered in my ear while we waiting for news about Krista. " Yea kind of, " I responded. " Your the reason, " Jessica screamed and was about to tackle her but Jack, Brent, and I kept her
from doing so. " Let go of me, " she screamed at us trying to get out of our grip. " Your why, fuck you, " Jessica yelled and started sobbing in to my shirt. I swear, I'm pretty sure that the whole hospital was staring at us, but they didn't know how she felt. " Wait where's cameron, " Jack J asked. " Oh shit, they don't have a ride, we have all the cars" Jack G responded. " I'll go get them, " Jack G said as he ran to the car.

***** Cameron's POV *****

I was hoping the guys would come back and help us to get to the hospital, we would've walked but it was sort of far away and were only allowed to be away from the hotel depending on how far we were. I sat there crying thinking about if Krista's okay or not. Then out of no where Jack G burst in to the room screaming " get in the car " , we got up and ran to the car as he drove to the hospital. We got there and the wholemagcon fam was together I couldn't even stand looking at hayes, he's the reason this happened.

***** Jessica's POV *****

I was waiting to hear some news about Krista, which seemed like forever. Then they finally called us in. Family of Krista Querubin, i wasn't family but I knew they wouldn't let me in if I was a friend. I stood up and singled cameron to come too. " Okay, so how are you two related ? " The doctor asked us. " Siblings, " I lied. " Okay, well we have some good news and bad news, which one first, the doctor asked. "Good, " cameron
responded. " Actaully I'll just explain it to you, it's sort of the good and bad all together, " the doctor responded. " Well, Krista will be okay but she may or may not live . She needs blood and the hospital will try to find someone old who is willing to give their blood, either you guys have to find someone, or with out the blood she's dead. The thing is, is that we need a lot of blood to donate, and whoever gives the blood has a 4/5 chance of death" the doctor said. " Okay, " I said tearing up. " Is their a way we can go see her,
" cameron asked. " Yea sure, three can go in to her room at once, " the doctor said walking away. " Jack G, want to come see Krista with cameron and I since you kind of helped the most, "I asked him. " Sure, " he said and got up from his seat.

***** Gilinsky POV *****

We were waiting for Krista to here news about her, but only family was aloud to hear so Jessica and Cameron said they were 'siblings' , the rest of the boys and I were watching them and tried listing to what they were saying, but couldn't here a thing. Then Jessica and Cameron started breaking down in tears, then the doctor left. They asked me if I wantedTo go see Krista with them since we were only allowed 3 at a time, I said
sure and walked to them to Kristas room. They told me what was wrong with her the way there, we got to her room and cameron immediately ran up to her and started talking to her while Jessica and I waited in the corner. When cameron finally finished Jessica went, they started taking then it was my turn. " So, you know what's up with the blood and all right, " I asked her. " Yea, " she replied, " well I have no doubt on you, I'm
pretty sure there someone who is willing, " I told her. " Yea, I hope so, " " well I'll talk to later I'll give the other guys time to talk to you before visitors time closes, " I said. " oh and I already told Jessica and Cameron this but don't let Hayes in, if he's even here I don't feel like talking to him and don't think I will ever want to talk to him, " Krista told me. " Okay, stay strong, " I said and gave her a hug and left the room.

***** Kristas POV *****

All I can think about is either if I'm going to die or not, what if no one is willing to give there blood, i will die and it will leave people heart broken, I think. But there's always hope, I'm just super scared since my older bother, mike, suffered threw the same thing. He also needed a blood transfer but he needed it in 5 days which gave him more
time, but I have less time. Even tho he had more time, he never made it. Every day, every second, I think about him, he was the one who introduced me to vine, but now I don't have him with me. Anyways I was
in my room just thinking then Jessica, cameron and Jack G walked in the room. Cameron ran up to me and gave me a light hug. " Please stay strong, I have hope in you, " he said tearing up. " It's okay, I know I can
make it, " I responded trying to make him happier. " I don't know what I am with out you, just please please please never forget me if you leave, " he said crying. " I won't, " i replied, we started taking for a little bit more then he let Jessica talk to me. " Your going to make it threw this no matter what, "
Jessica told me. " There's still negatives, " I replied. " It's fine, I got it all planned out, I can volunteer that Chloe bitch to donate her blood, " Jessica replied. " You can't volunteer other people, I said laughing. " Well I'll find a way no matter what, so don't worry you will make it, " Jessica responded. " You don't know that, " I told her. " Yes I do, I have no doubt Krista, you shouldn't either, " she said and signaled jack G to come talk. Jack and I had a very quick convo, but he made things better. Then they left and sent Carter, Matthew, and Shawn in. We had our convos then they left and sent the others in, at the end of the day I was able to talk to the whole magcon family, but Hayes. I don't want to talk to him ever again for as long as I live. But the magcon fam did make me happier and made me realize there's nothing to realize and everything will be okay.


A/N - thanks for reading ! I have a few more chapters left on this, so yea. Please keep on reading, tell your friends and vote I'm trying to get 3k reads by the end of March . .... Well yea ! New update every 30 reads. . .

Oh wait and one more thing ! I picked three random people who are reading my book for for a shoutout so go follow Mak21__ & baade12 & To_Fab_For_You ... Oh and the next update may be late

insta - its.jessicaaaa
twitter - badazzirwinx

. . . And happy early valentines btw !

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