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I could not believe it, I could not see hearly as a mother. Never. "How old is he?" "He is 16". Wait 16? How come I never heard of him "Why are you sad about that" "HE IS COMING TO LIVE WITH ME" Wait don't even like your own son???! WOW. "I mean i love him and stuff but..i don't know if I can take care of it you know". The joker comes back but this time with a boy. He looked just like hearly. "Quinn!" Quinn, Quinn you really named your kid Quinn so his name is Quinn Quinn or something, but that is something hearly would do. And you know me and Quinn (still hate that name ha) became friends and hearly and Quinn got really close, and joker was cool with him around. So I guess things where all good. The end. FOR NOW

hearly Quinn's son Where stories live. Discover now