Imagine 16

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You and your best friend, Mark, have been friends for a while. The twist is, you've never seen each other in person. And today, is the day you guys are deciding to break the distance.

You both are meeting in the middle, you live in Maine and Mark lives in California. So you guys decided to meet in a small state called Missouri, at the convention called "Planet Comicon". You've been there before, a few times. The con is totally different every year with different themes and different panels and guests.

Excidingly, you text Mark about how your packing has been going via Twitter.

(Y/N): how's the packing going?

Markiplier: Good, hows about yourself?

(Y/N): Boi I'm done, get on my level

Markiplier: 1v1 me binch

(Y/N): later, later. I need to catch my flight so I'll text you later. Still have my number?

Mark doesn't answer, oh well.

Suddenly your phone vibrates.

New Message from: Mark

Mark: Yep ;)

Well that answers that. Now, I just need to get to the airport.

--time skip--

"Excuse me, (ma'am/sir)?" the flight attendant says, shaking you awake.

You stir awake, completely ignoring her and running out with your bags. Now, to find Mark.

You get a text from Mark.

Markiplier: Where you at m8

(Y/N): Oi mate, I'm walking past the Starbucks at the entrance

You drag yourself into Starbucks and slump down in a chair, you order an Iced Dark Roast. Right as you get comfortable, Mark texts you again.

Markiplier: Wait what the fuck

(Y/N): Wot

Markiplier: Step outside the coffee shop and look to your left

You get up and look to your left, but there's nothing there. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around you from the back and you jolt around to see Mark about an inch from your face. You pause for a moment, then quickly wrap your arms around him and start to sob. Mark pulls you back and looks at you with concern.

"Why are you crying, (Y/N)?" Mark asks.

"I'm just so happy to see you!" you reply.

"There is something, something I've been meaning to do (Y/N)"

"Oh yeah? What's that?" You say, pulling away from Mark.

Mark pulls you in by your hips, leaving no space between. He changes his focus from your eyes and glances down to your lips. Moving in closer, he kisses you; sending a rush of adrenaline through you.

this imagine was requested by Mrs_Mark_Iplier

markiplier imagines ; 2016-2018Where stories live. Discover now