New friends?

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       When Bluepaw got to the school it seem scary with those big gray brick walls and big glass windows. Okay, just look at your schedule and see what classes you have, she thought. She looked at her schedule.

 1. Math 9+ Mr. Muffens room 214 

2. Band Mr. J and Mrs. W room 235 

3.Intro to digital art Mrs. Cornbottom room 219

4.English Mrs. James room 201 

5. P.E. Mrs. Liby Home eke Mr. Fear room 213 

6.Social Studies Mr. Claw room 216 

7.Science Mrs. Steph room 203 

8. Study hall Ms. Smith room 209

     Okay, so I have math with Mr. Muffens first. Blue looked up from her schedule to she if she had any classes with Destiny. They both had English, P.E. and Study Hall together which was sweet. Blue played the flute since she was in 5th grade, now she's a freshman.

     "Whoa, Bluepaw, look at this!" Destiny called to her though the giant glass doors. When Blue entered the school there were navy blue lockers lining the gray walls. But there in the middle of the school, surrounded by glass was a beautiful garden. Blue knew that a lot of couples come to this place. It was the prettiest part of the school.

     Blue saw a yellow bunny and a yellow and blue fox on the other side of the garden. Might as well say hi to them. She thought. She walked over to the couple; as she got closer she noticed that the bunny was chubby, and he was still eating a giant donut.

     Blue tried to think of what she was going to say, but the fox beat her to it. "Hi," The fox greeted. Her fur was weird looking. She had a yellow head with blue cheeks and blue on the inside of her ears. The rest of her body was mostly blue with a yellow belly and yellow tipped tail, hands, and feet. Her eyes were a sparkling sapphire blue, and she had a blue and yellow striped scarf on. The fox must have noticed Blue looking at her weirdly. "Oh sorry about the weird fur patterns. I got my fur dyed because I didn't like looking like my mom who is white and pink," The fox told her.

     "Oh. Well, I like you strange fur. I can find you easily if we become friends," Blue meowed. The fox smiled; Blue introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Bluepaw Funtime." Blue saw the bunny stiffen as she said her last name.

     "Oh, don't mind my boyfriend," The fox said. "He's a bit jumpy since his father abuses him a lot. Anyway I'm Techy Fox and the cute cubby bunny is Springtrap-"

     "Dreemurr?" Blue cut Techy off. Springtrap didn't look like his older brother for starters he wasn't a bear like him. He had emerald green eyes and darker golden fur, the color of dulled out gold. He wore a blue jacket with white fluff around the hood, a black tie, and black plants. His ear looked like it was ripped clean in half. He also had a scar on his right eye.

    "Yes, how did you know?" Techy asked.

     "My dad read me my dorm mates names, and you and Springtrap are on there. He also read me the last names," Blue answered.

     "Oh your dad must be our new vice principal. Mrs. Heart used to be but then our old principal quit, so she became the new one." Techy informed her.

     "Cool," Blue rolled her eyes. "Wait." Techy and Springtrap looked at her.

     "What?" It was Springtrap that asked. Then, their principal walked, Mrs. Heart walked into the garden.

     "Bluepaw, is that you?" Mrs. Heart asked.

     "Silvertail?" Bluepaw replied.

     "How's Blueflower been doing? I heard she's going to beg her dad if she could come move in with me." Mrs. Heart meowed. She was a silver tabby cat with light green eyes. She was wearing a black shirt and black pants. There was a lot of black at this school. "Anyways, I best be going to the office where I'll be doing paper work." And with that she left.

     "Well that was weird." Techy said.

     "Yah, that's my best friends mother," Bluepaw tried to laugh but failed.

     "We should get to class," Springtrap mumbled.

     "Yah, we should," Techy sighed. They all went to their classes

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