The Demon

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I remember seeing him in a dream once. But was it a dream or a nightmare? Dreams are only a picture of our imagination, and nightmares are a picture of our biggest fears. But this particular dream didn't seem to be neither a dream nor a nightmare. It was simply just there. Almost like it was real.
It was dark, gloomy, and quiet. All that was heard was the echoey dripping sound of what seemed to be a leaky pipe. There was nothing seen but pure blackness. It was a huge room full of nothing but silence and darkness. I felt my lungs tightening as I struggled to breath. The ground was cold and wet. I stood up hoping to find an escape. As I stood I heard a whisper. I wasn't afraid but I was hesitant. I couldn't clearly make out the words that were being said. I began to walk slowly. The only thing I could think was to follow the noise of the dripping liquid that filled the room with echoes. I suppose the whispering I heard was wind coming from an open window? But there was no breeze. I felt myself becoming more excluded from reality. I felt paralyzingly numb. I couldn't speak, or see anything. There it was again, a faint whisper. It sounded like it was miles away yet right in front of me.
I continued exploring the dark dungeon looking for something, anything. But what was I to find? Perhaps an exit? But to where? Where could I be? These thoughts were boggling through my mind yet I still seemed distracted. Like something was pulling me towards it and calling for me. What could it be?
As I continued walking I leaned against the cold brick wall for support. I suddenly stopped myself once I felt something on the wall. I believe it was a light switch so I flicked it up. Suddenly a tiny light bulb that was about a mile ahead of me turned on. As the light bulb flickered I walked towards it. I looked around and noticed just how big this place I was in actually was. It was miles and miles long, yet so empty. Then again I heard the whispering. It was drawing me closer to it. It almost seemed to have manipulated me. I kept walking closer and closer. Finally I seen the source floating above me.
It was large, long, and black with red eyes gleaming into my soul. It wore a shredded black gown dangling from its person to the floor. It wasn't human like. It was monstrous. Yet I stood there, in silence staring at the creature in front of me. He floated there starring into me. He had no face. Just glowing eyes and the rest was darkness. He slowly floated down, landing on the ground in front of me. My eyes followed his figure as he landed. He slowly held out his hand. His arms were long and lanky. His fingers were black and pointed. I looked at his hand then back up at him. All I seen was the staring of his manipulative eyes. I grabbed his hand and we started walking. In that moment is when I finally realized where I was. I was in the place non other than my mind and he was my demon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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