I heard an annoying noise coming from the room, me being too lazy to get up, I grab a hard object and threw it to the direction of the noise. Someone yelled in pain, my eyes shot open and I saw Carter bending over while holding her stomach followed by laughing that was coming from Adams mouth. Which earned him a kick in his nuts... Ouch, that gotta hurt.
"What the hell was that for?!?" Adam shouted, while Carter gave him the 'im-gonna-kill-you' look.
"You know what that was for so hush..." Carter says while walking towards me, oh god this is going to hurt like a bitch and right on que I felt pain right across my face.
"...You deserved that too." she says while sitting at the end of my bed. I notice Kyle sitting next to Adam. 'WTF is he doing here' i thought in my head, not realising I actually spoke my thoughts aloud. Carter gave me a look as if to say "be nice or I'll kill you" but I shrugged it off and carried on glaring at Kyle who gave me a smirk before winking at me when no one was looking. "He's got no right to be in my room" I said, there was a knock at the door and paige (my girlfriend) entered while laughing, oh god what has my 'mother' said now..completely ignoring Kyle.
"Hey Paige" we all said together but it was only me who was looking at her, she just shook her head and walked over & layed down next to me. She pecks my lips which earned us a few 'Awws'
"Hey, I feel a bit left out well im going to change that." Adam says with an evil look. oh no this isn't going to be good and the second I thought that he layed right on top of me.
"No Homo" he says quickly with a smirk, he starts to wiggle around ontop of me. Oh no, I felt myself getting a tiny bit 'hard'. Ok think... Dead puppies...no didn't work, ummmm Carter naked..well thats a scary thought :/ I let out a groan.
"Oh god, get off me you fat lump...!" I shouted trying to get him off me.
"Nah you're comfy" He shouts back while grinding on me and making noises. Well fuck. I manage to kick him in his 'privates'
"Fucking hell you twat" he says through his teeth while holding himself and slowly falling off the bed with a big thud..Everyone started to laugh. My attention however turned back round to Kyle who was also laughing until he saw me and gave me a smug look which I could only glare back.
"Ok, so what the hell are we doing today cos I'm bored out if my flipping mind" Carter says while groaning.
"Wait a minute, i have an idea. We should have a house party at yours Jason!" Paige says with a glint of excitement in her eyes. I thought it was a bit odd that my girlfriend would suggest that but i just ignored it.
I can see carter, adam and kyle all nod their heads at the idea but i wasn't really feeling it to be honest. They can all see that I was about to say no so they all ran downstairs where my mum was..
"DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted while running after them but it was too late. I can already see mum nod her head. Great. I just wanted a peaceful life..