Poem: What Does It Feel Like?

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He pondered on how love really felt
To truly be cared for
What it felt like to have his heart melt
Was love actually just an open door?

The he finally found the "one"
She was a beauty to behold
It felt as if his heart weighed a ton
He was no longer ever so cold

She loved him too
But she was hiding something quite bad
She had no clue what to say or do
She was terrified, confused, and sad

She tried to tell, but she could only cry
He held her so close
But it didn't matter, she wanted to die
She wanted to take the final dose

He saw the pain in her eyes
He cringed when she told him what death would take
She could no longer try to disguise
He could feel his warm heart start to ache

She was extremely ill
He wished he didn't know
Her sickness was prepared to kill
But he never wanted to let her go

She had to end the ties
She had no choice, it was time to leave
She said her final goodbyes
And told him he must always believe

He wondered what love really could be
To not lose the one so close
If only the poor boy could see
But it was already too late, he took the final dose

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