The Awakening

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The door closed with a soft click and she was finally alone. She sighed and snuggled further into the blankets. It had been a long day.

She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the house slowly falling asleep. The loud tick of the clock in the corner. The softer tick of her watch in the bedside table. The shuffling footsteps of her grandparents getting ready for bed. The hum if the main road and the occasional overloud engine.

Faint music from her dad's computer drifted into the room as he worked yet another late night. Her grandpa's snores. The wind blowing gently. The clatter of dishes being washed next door. The creak of the walls as the house settled. The birds slowly going to sleep.

A car quietly parking outside. Her father's footsteps. The front door creaking open. More footsteps, foreign ones. The click of the lounge room door closing. Hushed voices muffled through the wood.

She sat up. This wasn't right. No one had visited this late since the fire across the road four years ago. She quietly put on her slippers and walked down the hall towards the closed lounge room door.

She paused and listened through the door. Whoever they are, they weren't allowed to see her in her dorky pyjamas she got from her great aunt.

The voices were still muffled, but not so much as before.

"What do you want?" Her father's voice asked, quite rudely in her opinion.

"Where is she?" A deep voice asked. Typical she thought, only dad's friends would call a piece of machinery a she.

Her father had spent most of his life building one thing or another, working as a mechanic for her childhood, or building large scale fun parks more recently. She rolled her eyes and was about to leave when she heard something that made her pause.

"She doesn't have it" her grandmother snapped... in Cantonese.

How? How did she know what he said? She barely speaks any English at all! What? She thought, confused.

"What did she say?" The voice demanded threateningly.

"She said that Rose doesn't have it" her father translated.

Wait, what? What don't I have? What? She thought, now thoroughly bewildered. What could her father's friend want with her?

"Then where is it?" The voice snarled.

"I don't know, we lost it years ago" her father replied. A sickening crunch reverberated around the room.

It took all of her self restraint not to burst into the room. You've got to be smart Rose. You've got to think things through. She thought to herself.

She crept around the corner to the front door, hoping against hope that no one would hear her but no such luck.


The floorboard screamed.


This is the first chapter of a story that will be constantly changing. I warn you now, I do my best to be unpredictable. I hope you enjoy and follow the story to the end. :)

See you later fellow readers

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