The Tear

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Just warning you there is going to be quite a bit of violence, so if such things have triggering effects on you, I recommend skipping this chapter.


She froze. The voices stopped abruptly. Suddenly, light flooded into the hallway, exposing Rose.

She lunged for the door, but to no avail. The lock was jammed. A man stepped out of the lounge room and into the hallway, cornering Rose.

He was large and burly, with a thick, red beard. He wore a gray tank top and thick brown pants. The detail that stayed with Rose for the rest of her life though, was the gleaming, silver knife.

She spared no time hesitating. She dived towards the knife and in one swift motion, slit his throat.

There was silence. The world seemed to still itself in shock for a moment. Then it suddenly resumed again with massive ferocity, as if trying to avenge the murder that had just taken place. There was an all mighty thud as his body hit the floor. Thick, vivid, red blood streamed out of the jagged tear in his neck. Gasps, chokes and gurgles pervaded the air.

Her pulse became unbearably loud, blocking out all sound except those wretched, terrible, rasping breaths that fought a losing battle to make it's way out of his throat.

Thud. Thud. Gasp. Thud. Thud. Gurgle. Thud. Thud. Cough. Thud. Thud. Wheeze. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Silence.

He was dead. But he wasn't the only one. As she sat in a puddle of blood, clutching the silver knife and unknowingly smearing blood all over herself as she rubbed her face with her blood soaked hands, she realized that she had not only taken a life that day. She had lost her own.


This was chapter 2 sorry that it's a bit short, but hopefully the content will make up for that. My updates probably won't be that regular as term 1 tests are coming up, but I'll be posting a lot more frequently over the holidays. Sorry about that, but don't give up on me yet!

See you later fellow readers.

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