Chapter 1

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Miyora's POV

I was walking to the Store because it was my turn to to buy Groceries.  my head started  hurting I pressed my fingers on my temples to message  them. Someone interrupted me I look up to see Alata and Eri. The Pain went away and they started talking to me. Miyora datas said not to forget Celery Alata said with no Emotion . Okay I said and walked passed them. I  went into the store and got the Groceries and walked back to the house. I opened the door to see Agri, Moune, Alata, Eri, and Hyde sitting at the table talking. I walked in the kitchen and started dinner when suddenly i had a pain in my head and My stomach was starting to hurt and i felt hot. Dinner was Done I put everyones plate down and walked back outside to get fresh air not Knowing that The Gosei angels were watching the whole time from the window. My head was hurting worse then i Felt faint I stumbled and fell on the ground. Then i saw 5 pairs of feet in front of me then it was black.

Miyora,s POV still

I woke up on the couch to Datas putting a washcloth on my forehead. Mimi your awake how are you feeling he said worried. I'm okay Datas I said Weakly. Alata and Eri came back home. Eri went to me are you okay MiMi she said worriedly. Miyora we are so sorry for everything please forgive us Alata said Almost crying. Yes I said almost in tears too. Alata Sat me up and layed me into his lap. They both kissed my forehead. Go to sleep MiMi we will be here when you wake up Eri said Holding my hand. I smilied I have my Best friends back. Then I fell asleep in my Two Partners Embrace.

Alata's Pov

Hyde, Agri, and Moune came in with medicine it turns out Our Miyora Came down with The Flu and it was all our fault. Moune put a shot in MiMi's Arm for the Flu. Hyde felt her forehead. "Yep she has a high fever poor baby" he said rubbing MiMi's arm. She started coughing badly in her sleep Moune Rubbed her chest to calm her down while I rubbed her back for comfort. She calmed down and fell back to sleep. Me And Eri started humming to her to keep Her asleep. She was our little baby That we neglected and we felt so bad so Were taking care of her. Hyde Re Wet her Washcloth and put it back on her Head. We all decided to take a nap.

Unknown's Pov

Sir Gosei White  has fallen with our Plan and we will gain her trust in no time A Person said. Yes Miyora will finally found out her real Destiny a guy said sitting on the throne

I wonder what these People want with Miyora.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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