Tell me your secrets ; tres

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June 16th, 2017 11:00pm
      "He was totally into you vic." My mom exclaimed. "He was not, now leave me alone I need to go to bed momma, I love you" I say shaking my head and walking away. "Give yourself the chance to fall in love my dear" she says behind me. I turn around and kiss her forehead "falling in love is harder then anything I could ever do" I say once again walking away. I make it to my room with my glass of water and look out my window, I knew his room was there and smiled to myself. "Fall in love .. me .. no" I  think to my self. I go into the restroom and take a quick shower and change into some comfy pjs. I sit at my desk next to my window and wrote some things down for the week.

       As it's gets later I rise and look at my clock "11:00" it read. Ugh late late. I look out my window and there he is. Black shirt and long hair, so beautiful. He turns and looks out his window at me. He smiles oh what a smile, I smile back and wave, he responds and then signals at his phone. I smile and nod he leaves for a seconds and returns with a marker, "what is he doing" I thought and just then I saw him begin to write on his window with a while marker, it appeared to be numbers. "Oh duh his number" I say laughing. I reach for my phone and type his number in, I give him the signal of okay and wave goodbye.

  I text him. "Isn't a bit late" I send, and waited anxiously. He responds "yeah just a little, but I think this conversation needed to start" I smile. "Why is that?" I say. "Because I want to know who you really are, what your really passionate about not just that your name is Victoria and your 18 and that's your beautiful" I read. Did he just call me beautiful, yeah he did.
    "Thank you, and well then let's get to it" I say. We talked for hours he asked about life and what I liked to do, I asked why they moved and what he liked to do. I found out that Michigan wasn't a good environment for him and his family even though he missed his friends. He asked if I could show him around and I accepted, but it wasn't a date at least i don't think so. It was 3:30am and I told him I think it was time to call it a night and he said yeah. He told me he hoped to see me tomorrow and that he hoped I had liked him. I said yeah and from there it was just beautiful. He's a good person but I can't just let words speak for him but also his actions so let's do how tomorrow turns out. I told him to take Cameron just in case it got crazy or weird some how.

    After hanging up, I later in bed thinking about my previous relationships not that it was a lot just 2 boys whom I thought I would spend the rest of my life with but didn't, they either cheated or weren't ready for a relationship and lead me on. It sucked you know, giving your great out and people just let it fall like it didn't even matter. But it's okay after my dad passed I realized that the pain you feel to lose someone close is far worse then a breakup and if you could wake up one day saying it time to stop moping around I could do that about boys. I have distanced myself so far from relationships and boys that I forgot how to fall in love. Having a Crush on my new neighbors is not true, I just think he's cute and id like to get to know him I mean you can't just fall in love with someone you've met on day for like 7 hours ... that's crazy ... right ?

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