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Paislee's pov//

"Temperature of a 103 your not going to school today" mom said helping me lye down on my bed.

"Dad can you bake your awesome cookies with chocolate chip smiles?" I asked in a calm voice "yes" he said walking off.

"Momma can you kiss my forehead?" I asked "hell nah I'm not getting sick" she said I signed "can you at least grab me a tissue?" I asked I looked towards her as she grabbed my baseball bat using it to move the tissues by me.

"Oh I feel love my mother don't want to touch me" I said sarcastically "love you too" she said walking off I just rolled my eyes drifting to sleep thinking about those cookies dad makes.


I woke up to some one tapping me I look to see dad who brought me cookies i smiled grabbing the plate and glass of milk as I started chowing down dipping my chocolate chip cookies in the milk.

"Thanks dad" I said he just walked off "love you too" I yelled out sarcastically man my family is a bitch if one of us is sick ha ha that rhymes


Updated finally not a big update but it's still and update

Tune into next time


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