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AN: this is for my amazing friend Rose, I love her so much.

Roses P.O.V.

                Before I knew it, the sun was shining in my eyes. I groan at the bright light. Then I jolt up and run to the toilet and release the midnight snack I had last night. After I finish, I get up and start to brush my teeth and look in the mirror. I realize I look so gross; paler the usual, dark circles under my eyes, and blood shot eyes. I am so sick I think to myself. I was brought back by my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID, and it was Audrey. I sigh in relief.

"hey babes I'm outside ready for school yet?"  Audrey asks.

"I don't think I'm going to school today. I don't feel well" I tell her.

"oh lord, you're sick. There's is a bug going around. I think you got it. Stay there I'm coming up." She says calmly.

"no Audrey, you're gunna get sick. I don't want that." I ramble

And with that the call ends. My bedroom door is opened. The girl with short black hair and her red leather jacket. I frown.

"leave I don't wanna get you sick" I pout

"nope nope nope. I'm here to make you feel better. And there's nothing you can do to make me leave." She responds sternly.

I just roll my eyes and get back in bed. Audrey walks over to me and feels my forehead.

"wow babe your burning up" she says as she gives me a concerned look.

"no shit Sherlock" I sass her and roll my eyes.

She giggles and goes downstairs. A few minutes later she has a spoon and medicine. When I see what she has I whine.

"no come on little missy, you need to get better" she says sternly and caringly.

I pout and open my mouth and close my eyes. I feel the cold spoon on my tongue and I taste the gross medicine. After I swallow it I gag. I feel Audrey wrap her arms around me and hug me. I melt into her embrace. I'm so comfy I don't hear her talking to me.

"what?" I say confused

"your tired. Come on I will be here when you wake up" she says playing with my hair

We lay down. She was big spoon. The last thing I could remember is Audrey saying I love you.

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