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               It was Monday morning when I had 4 missed calls from Connor, but suprised to see none from Jacob. I was a little mad that he didn't text or call me back, maybe he was mad at me? Wishing Jacob was their with me at home, since my parents, and his parents were still gone on their business trip, I was home alone all by myself.

              Since today was the last day of my 3 week spring break week off, I decided to throw a party. I grabbed my cell phone off the counter, and texted Connor, and Jacob to text all their friends, and tell them I'm throwing a party. I waited a couple of minutes, and got 2 texts back! One of the texts from Jacob read

              "Jacob: Ok see you tonight" 

                           The other text I got was from Connor who said 

               "Connor: Ok, and I thought you were mad at me? I know I'm pissed at you"!

                      The last thing I wanted was to talk to Connor, but if it gets me a lot of people at my party, then I'm completely cool with that.

                     It was Monday night, and I heard cars pulling all around my house! It was a huge party considering their were like 80 people in my house right now. I looked all around over the thousands of people in my house, and still didn't see Jacob or Connor. I looked over to the corner just to see Jacob kissing all over this girl named Hannah from our school. I was so mad I quickly ran over there to the corner, and grabbed him by his hair, and pulled him off of her. I started yelling, and asked him why he was all over her, instead of me? He looked at me, and with words unfair said " why were you all over Connor, instead of me"? I looked at him, and said " you know good, and well that's not fair"! He gave me a look that stood out in plain sight, like I've done something wrong!

                  We both stood there like we were frozen. He gave me a "I'm not so happy look", and walked away. I think he just rejected me, I replayed that in my mind for a couple of minutes before realizing Connor walked in with a girl, that was obvisiously not me. Connor, and his little girl he brought, walked up to me. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face, and a smirk I could remember seeing from somewhere, and said " Leslie meet Megan, my new girlfriend. Megan meet Leslie, my exgirlfriend". I looked at him, and said with a angry tone " excuse me, did you just say exgirlfriend"! He looked at me, and with a laugh said " yeah, like duh we broke up not even a week ago when you were cheating on me with my bestfriend. I looked at him, and with a smart remark said " oh thats right, ain't that the same week you pinned me down on the couch, and wouldn't let me up". He looked at his girlfriend, who had a " he's a rapist" look on her face. I busted out laughing, and said " also don't forget about the time last week, where you were going to actually consider killing your bestfriend over me". I looked over to Megan, his so - called new girlfriend, and seen her face light up in digust like she was replaying it in her mind that her boyfriend was a " serial killer, and a rapist.

                         She looked at Connor who was eye balling me, and told him that maybe she should go. I looked at her, and being as mean as I could said " well  maybe you should"! Connor looked at her, and just to make me mad said " why baby, we just got here"! She looked at him, and said " well this is awkward, so I'm just gonna go". He said" ok see you tommorrow". I looked at him with a annoying smile on my face, and said polietly " your such a liar, and walked off". He looked at my butt just before doing the same thing, and walking away.  The rest of the party, I was broken. I went up to my room with a bottle of vodka, and Jack Daniels whiskey, and sat down in the floor of my room, and started crying. I was so angry, first it was my soon to be soul - mate Jacob, then it was my doche of a already soul - mate Connor. I kept asking what did I do wrong, then I stood up off the floor, but my legs were wobbly because I was so drunk, and could barely stand up. The next thing I know I'm back on the floor. Not siiting down on my butt, but lying flat on my back, because I had fallen. 

                   I was passed out for a couple of minutes when I saw someone come through my bedroom door. It was a kid a noticed  from my school, and I think his  name was Chris. I could barely see his face because I was still a little sober, and at that point still couldn't stand up without falling. Chris bent down, and picked me off of the floor, grabbing my legs, and then my back, and arms. He sat me up on the bed, and layed me down on one of my pillows. I looked at him like " why are you grabbing me, and coming in my room"? He looked at me, and said " I know what your thinking! Like why is a boy coming in your room". I looked up at him, and said " yeah, I was". So I have a question. He said " what is it". I looked up at him from my bed, and sat up. The words I said were just something a normal girl would ask, and those words were " why did you come help me off the floor"? He looked at me, and said " I helped you because I like you". I looked at him with a smile, and said " I barely know you, and you are pretty cute, but still... why do you like me"? 

                     Chris looked at me once again, but this time he was blushing really bad. He said there is just something about you. I said " like what"?  He once again was blushing, and said " the way you walk, the way you talk, your precious beauty, and how you are". He looks at me, and I look back at him with a blushing smile. We both looked at each other for about 20 minutes in complete silence. I couldn't take looking at him, and not thanking him for getting me off the floor, and also complementing me. I broke the silence, and said " how can I ever repay you"? He looked at me,and said "Well I have an idea"! I looked at him, and no longer sober stood up, walked over to him, and said " what's your idea"? He started grinning, and before I knew it he leaned over, slowly grabbed my hand, and kissed me.

                         I can't believe that I just got dumped, heartbroken, drunk, and kissed. I swear my life is so messed up right now, and I have no idea how to deal with all of this. I mean c'mon what did I do to make this happen? I question that all the time, and still have no answer. Lmao I can't even think straight right now because I can't get the kiss thing between me, and Chris out of my head. I like him, and I love him. The problem is I can't just go around with boys, and make out or just have sex, or kiss them, and not be called a "slut" or " whore".

                                   Well I must be nuts, because I love Chris. I hope we can be together. Well its time to go, I have to wash dishes. Hopefully he will ask me out at school this week.

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