Ch. 4-Denny's vs iHop

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"KELLY!" I screamed. No, no, no, no!

I heard the sound of branches breaking and heard her scream cut short as she fell. Her body was flung over branches and all i could hear was the thudding of her body on the branches. She continued to fall, screaming no more.

Her scary, terrifying decent came to a stop on a lower branch a couple feet above the one i was upon. i was filled with relief that it had ended but I knew the scare wasn't all over yet. My eyes teared up and I hurried up to the branch. "Kelly! Kelly, are you okay?!" I reached her body and was filled with horror.

Her entire body was covered in bruises and blood. She had a deep cut on her face and her lip was split. Her arms and legs hung limply over the branches edge as the branches around her settled. She had lost her cap so her hair was a mess, halfway in its ponytail and knotted. I crawled up as close to her as i could and gently took her hand, My breath ragged from trying not to wail. "Kelly?" I whispered, tears streaming down my face. Her blue eyes remained closed and her body remained still. I stared at her a few more seconds in complete shock.

Less then five minutes ago, Kelly Malick had been laughing and teasing me, now she lay broken and barely breathing before me.


Monitors beeped. And i remained quite, listening to the drips of Kelly's bag beside my chair as i held her hand. My parents had left about an hour ago, and her parents were out getting food for her little brothers. They had offered to get me something but i refused and stayed glued to her side.

The tv screen was on but the sound was muted and i didn't bother to turn it up. My eyes were burning both from exhaustion and the tears that still threatened to spill over.

All was deceivingly calm. I shifted in my seat and leaned forward, wrapping both my hands around Kelly's and placing my forehead on them. My throat hurt from holding back tears and i bit my lip. "I'm sorry," I whisper to her. My voice is hoarse and raw from crying and i lick my dry lips. "I am so sorry, Kelly..."

Kelly's eyes remain closed but I feel her hand twitch beneath mine and i hold in a sob. I grasp her hand tighter and say a prayer to God, asking him that she would be okay. Because I would never be the same if I lost her.

I stay next to her all night. Sleeping in the chair by her bed and not caring one bit. I awake in the morning to a large hand on my shoulder.

"Dominic," my Dad speaks softly and comforting to me. "Hey," he smiles at me gently and rubs my shoulder. "How ya feeling, chum?"

I look up into my Dads green-hazel eyes and his comforting smile and feel broken. "How do you think?" I mumble and wipe a stray wisp of drool from my mouth. Noticing for the first time, the puddle on Kelly's sheet where my head had been...

"C'mon, kiddo. Lets go home." My Dad nudges me and straightens up. I look back at Kelly's bruised face and know I can't leave her. "I can't, Dad. I'm not leaving until she's awake and better."

My Dad's brow furrows and his expression is one of pity and sympathy. "Dame, you can't stay by her everyday. It just isn't possible. And you need to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Malick told me and your mom you haven't left or eaten since you got here."

Without my consent, my stomach growls. I shake my head. "No. I'm fine. Really, Dad."

My Dad gives me the look that says: you know i'm right and you're wrong. I Shrug. And return a look that says, maybe. But I really don't want to accept it.

My Dad chuckles lowly. After a quite moment he finally speaks again. "Dominic, you need to eat. And I'm not leaving until we've gotten some food in that belly of yours."

I place my chin in my hand and my elbow on my knee as I lean forward in thought, looking at Kelly. If I left what if she woke up and I wasn't there? Or she didn't wake up and I still wasn't there?

Kelly seems peaceful in her sleep. Her forced sleep. Because of my stupid mistake. If i hadn't taken her to the spot then she never would have fallen and gotten hurt. My Dad is quite for a second, then suddenly, my chair is pulled back and my Dad wheels me around, pulling me out of my seat. "Alright, you dont get a choice anymore. Get your bag." He lightly threw me up and over to my car keys and small duffel bag i keep in my car for emergencies. "Pick it up and follow me." He stood by the door, watching me. I stare at him. "But-"

"No buts." He snapped his fingers. "Chip chop chip, kiddo. We only got a few minutes til I decide to take you to Denny's instead of iHop."

"Don't you dare." I groan and grab my stuff and walk out with my dad. Glancing back one last time and see Kelly's heart monitor at a normal, steady rate and sigh. I wasn't getting her off my mind anytime soon.

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