Chapter 10

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"S-Sebastian.... it-its not what it lo-looks like.." Sebastian speeds walk over to you and Claude smirks and starts to quickly thrust in and out of you as soon as Sebastian starts to come towards you. You gasp and tilt your head back looking at Sebastian.

As Sebastian Speed walks over to you, you feel Claude quickly break away from you. You bit your bottom lip and tilt your head back up and you don't see Claude ontop of you. You look over to see Sebastian Holding Claude Against the wall by his neck. You cover yourself, Quickly. Claude chuckles and looks over at you then Back at Sebastian "Ah, Sebastian... I was in the middle of something you know and, well it would just be delightful if you would just-" Claude gags as Sebastian bangs him harder against the wall. "Shut the hell up!" You sit there on the bed, your eyes widen at the sight of Sebastian,

His eyes glistened into a darker red and his hands, his hands were gripped tightly around Claude's Neck. "Seb-Sebastia-" "(F/n)! Stay Out of this!" Snaps Sebastian in a sharp tone. You look down scratching your head. He's Never Yelled at me like that before..... You think to yourself as you bite your lip tearing up slightly "Sebas-Sebastian I'm sorry..." You gently say ruffling the sheets that were lied ontop of your lap. Sebastian, Still Gripped ahold of Claude's neck, scoffs shaking his head "Go into the hall....I'll Be with you shortly." Sebastian says in a strike tone.

"Y-Yes Sebastian..." A tear rolls down your cheek ,as you stand up, grabbing for a shirt that was on your dresser. Claude smirks and clears his throat "Well (F/n) would you like me to come back tonight? Alois needs me around well....Four or so, so ill be back to finish." Clade Says With a evil smirk smacked across his face. More tears roll down your cheek and you throw on the shirt walking out. You shut the door behind you and you hear a loud bang. "You don't touch her you hear?" Yells Sebastian, muffled by the sound of the door. You pull your knees up to your chest,

Crying into your knees. You fold your arms infront of your face crying softly and quietly hopping that no one hears you. You continue to hear Sebastian yelling and Claude chuckling at Sebastian. All the sudden you feel a cold hand against your arm. "Er...(F/n)?...." You sniffle and Slowly lift up your head. It was Finny, you go back to crying but you cry harder. You throw your

Head back into your knees. "Oh...(F/n)...." Whispers Finny Sitting down beside you. You Face Finny putting your face into his shoulder. Finny wraps his arms Around you and you tense up slightly sobbing into his shoulder.

~Sebastian's P.O.V~

I Banged Claude harder against the wall. I Heard My significant other crying through the door. Damn...I Fucked this up. (F/n) was really perturbed....I Heard her cry become more intense. I Took Claude off the wall and threw him to the floor "Don't you touch her!" My eyes still glistened and I Felt My whole body strain more. Claude laughed as he pushed his glasses up. I Just looked at him, I Quickly pull out my knives and gets on top of Claude as I Headed towards him he dodged and I fell in to the wall that fucking hurt....

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