We All Have Secrets

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(Please excuse the names I make some of them up so I'm sorry if they are terrible)

"Makita come on! We got to get to class!" Sakura shouts ahead of me. "Just go on I'll catch up" I wave my hand and she jogs to class. I feel my body about to collapse I haven't slept in days.....I can't go home I'm not wanted there. "Haha you can't get me! You can't get me!" A blonde haired boy rushes past me being chased by two dark haired older boys. I believe the blonde boys name is Momiji?

"I wonder what I should make for dinner tonight.....any ideas?" I look ahead of me and see Tohru walking between Prince Yuki and Kyo Sohma. "Definitely NOT stewed leeks" Kyo folds his arms as I slowly limp my way past them I feel a pair of eyes on me, I look behind me and see Prince Yuki gazing at me then quickly looks away. Why would he look at a low life like me?

I'm Makita Thane my story is nothing like all the others that go to my school, actually it's nothing at all. I don't have much friends except Sakura the rest are acquaintances who just smile at me in the hall.....


A wave of painful thunder rolls into my stomach and I groan, as I walk out of the large building where I work I stumble my way to wherever my feet take me. People chat on their phones, watch the beautiful night sky slowly move above them, and walk home unlike me. My parents hate me......I failed more than two tests last year. Even with my grades shooting through the roof after the make up tests they still wouldn't accept me. I will always be a failure in their eyes, they won't let me back inside my home. I've been homeless ever since.

My legs tremble struggling to hold my weight with every step I take, I drag my feet on the dirt pathway my eyes going in and out of my dreamless rest trying to lure me in. I crash onto the piercing rocks and cold dirt my head starts to pound waking me up for a brief moment, I see a patch of vegetables and some fruit on a nice area of soft dirt. I push myself up and crawl to the back of the garden where the dirt is softer and more adjustable, I rest my head in the itchy blades of grass and scratch my head until I feel weak and unable to keep my eyes open any longer.


The Next Morning

"So how do you think the vegetables are doing?" Tohru asks with glee like always. "I'm hoping they are doing quite well-" "Ahhh!" Tohru shrieks with fear and he walks closer. "Ms. Honda what's wrong?" He wonders with worry. "L-legs! Over there!" She points to the back and I open my eyes, I hear footsteps get closer to me and I try to sit up but I'm too weak and I shut my eyes again. "Ms. Thane?" Prince Yuki lightly touches my arm and I open my eyes a bit.

"I'll be off of your property in a minute just let me sleep" I groan and he shakes my arm a bit. "Ms. Thane? Why are you sleeping outside?" He questions and I sit up my eyes unsticking from my eyelids. "It's nothing to worry about" I whisper as I stand up I flatten my hair with my hands I walk away from them. Hunger rips through my stomach and stabs at my sides but I keep walking so it seems nothing is wrong, I brush the dirt off of my uniform the best I can and I feel my shoulder bump another's and I walk faster.

I only got a glimpse of his orange hair and his tan skin, I know it was Kyo and I know he thought I was Tohru that's why he tried to reach for me......I wish I was Tohru.......at least she has a home.......her parents are dead but that's better then them hating you so much to force you out.


The teacher babbles as he scribbles in the chalkboard I write what he does and I set my pencil down, as my arms start to shake I hold them close to my stomach which is aching. The bell chimes it's final bell of the day and I sit in the class until everyone is gone, I slowly stand and walk to the doorway and slide to the side realizing someone is talking. "I think something is wrong with Ms. Thane" Yuki announces to whoever he is talking to....probably Tohru.

"Makita? Why? Was it from this morning?" Tohru questions her voice still bright. Ding ding ding! One point for me. "I've seen this before, with you Ms. Honda when you were living on your own in a tent" he explains to her as they walk by. "I believe she is living alone except she actually has no where to live" Tohru gives a worried face. "I could be wrong but I have a strong feeling about this girl" he sighs and they walk off in the distance.


Later That Night

I force myself to walk up the hill past this beautiful house, I see a yellow tent crushed and barely seen by the boulders that lay on top of it. This must be where she was before.

I walk back down the hill trying not to fall over hunger and loss of balance, I see two figures and try to walk slowly. "Why do you have to be so stupid" Yuki's harsh voice blows into the air. "Oh but don't you think Tohru would be much happier wearing a maids outfit?" An older man asks and he shakes his head. The moonlight shines against the two and they look happy well the older man does Yuki just looks annoyed. But why?

I feel my shoe tap a large rock and the next thing I know I'm floating in the air, I shriek with the breath I have and my eyes force shut smacking down the rocks and dirt were no help with the pain of falling and rolling down the hill. I finally stop my back to the ground and I see Yuki and the older man over me. "Ms. Thane?" Yuki asks and I shake my head.

"I'm fine......" I try to move but the pain mixes in with the weakness and I feel something forcing me down. "I'll be fine........just go home" I whisper as I close my eyes sleep takes me over and I feel my sleeping body being carried. This is the worst...


Hopefully this is a good first chapter (if you've read my other stories you know I say this with every first chapter)

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