
11.9K 246 194

By: SugaTheTurtle
Genre: smut
Posted on AO3
Words: 5227
Top jungkook
Bottom jimin

Everyone is attracted to idols at one point or another. As part of Big Hit’s staff, Jimin really shouldn’t still be as attracted to Jungkook as he was at the beginning. Maybe if he wasn’t he wouldn’t stuck hiding inside a closet in his dressing room silently praying that the idol was reaching for the zipper on his pants to change into something more comfortable.

Jimin took a deep breath in and raised his fist, knocking carefully on the dressing room door and waiting for the reply. When there was none, Jimin frowned and looked at the paper Jungkook’s manager had given him, checking the room number once more and verifying that this was the place.

“Jungkook-sshi?” he called carefully, knocking once more. “Your manager need to see you right now to go over the schedules for the rest of the day.”

At the sound of zero response, Jimin took it upon himself to enter the room anyway, blushing to himself when he saw it was empty and completely undisturbed since earlier that after noon. Groaning to himself, he ran a hand through his hair and looked around in despair, wondering where to go from here. Jungkook’s manager had only told him of one place where Jungkook may have gone after filming for his Music Bank performance. And he wasn’t even here. In fact, Jimin doesn’t think the younger had even set foot in this room since he’d been styled and dressed for the show.

Unsure of what to do, Jimin peered out the door into the hallway for any bypassers and closed the door before stretching himself out on the white couch in the room and closing his eyes. Though Jimin didn’t have nearly as much to do as Jungkook himself, running around behind the idol and the managers was taxing work in itself. It was something to keep himself occupied and with some sort of income while on summer break, and there worse things he could be doing; so most things he took in a stride, no matter how exhausted he was.

Sitting up, Jimin curiously looked around, taking note of things he’d always been to busy to notice before. The green and black bomber jacket draped over the back of a chair, the pair of Timberlands Jungkook had worn to the broadcasting station that had been casually tossed in the corner, and even an ipad sitting idle on the makeup counter. Biting his lip and taking another cautionary glance at the door, Jimin grabbed the jacket off the chair and slid it on, admiring himself in the mirror. After a few looks at himself from all angles, he did his best to mimic the smoldering gaze he’d seen Jungkook do a thousand times at photo shoots and live stages, running a hand back through his pink hair and winking at his reflection.

“My name’s Jeon Jungkook, and my fans are my girlfriends. I’m good at everything and low key have an ego bigger than my thighs,” Jimin imitated, dropping his voice down an octave and imitating some of the dance moves he’d seen Jungkook do hundreds of times.

“Okay, okay, Seokjin, I heard you the first time, don’t be such a mom.” Jimin froze at the sound of Jungkook’s voice outside the door, looking around the room for someplace to hide or...or something. Not that he was afraid of getting caught in here, but getting caught wearing Jungkook’s jacket and prancing around with his things...well it was just asking for an accusation of stealing and potentially losing his job.

Just as the door opened, he hid inside of a wardrobe in the dressing room, pulling the door closed just as he saw Jungkook walk in. The idol set his phone on the counter of the vanity mirror and stared at his chair in confusion for a second before looking around the area.

“Where the hell did my jacket go,” he muttered and Jimin cursed silently, squeezing his eyes shut at his own stupidity.

He held his breath and peeked through the crack, feeling his heart sink when he saw Jungkook relax into the couch diagonal from him, the man reaching for his phone again and messing around with it. Jimin couldn’t resist rolling his eyes, already feeling his knees beginning to hurt from crouching at the bottom of the closet. God, what was he even doing here? Couldn’t he play on his phone outside or something? At least long enough for Jimin to leave undetected?

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