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A/N hello I do not own fairy tail or any of the pictures.

Lucy's pov

I wake up in the cloths I wore yesterday. I get up and I have a huge headache. " ugh I wish I never drank so much." I take a shower and put some cloths on.

I seriously don't want to make breakfast this morning

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I seriously don't want to make breakfast this morning. When I go down stairs there was already food ready and everyone was down stairs. " who made the food" I said sitting down in my chair almost falling back to sleep. " I did " sis said. " oh sis you're such a goddess" I said giving her a hug. She laughs and I start eating. After I eat I didn't feel like walking. I slowly fall to the floor having both hands up in the air. " Stingy can you give me a piggy back ride. Pretty please with a cherry on top" I said childishly. "Are you serious blondie" Sting said. I puff my cheeks out and cross my arms. Sting looks at me for awhile. " ok fine, but only this once" he said picking me up from the floor. "Yay!" I said laughing. We were almost to the arena when Sting said " blondie why couldn't you just teleport us there it would've been so much easier." " because I didn't want to" I said messing with his hair. We finally get there and Sting puts me down. "Aw I don't feel like standing" I said sitting on the ground pouting. "All right everyone for the last round every guild will be fighting against each other" Mato said. "Ugh to much work" I said teleporting us off the balcony. " ok guys this is the plan. We divide and conquer. Just defeat anyone that gets in your way" I said laying on the ground. They sweat drop. "And start!" Mato said.

Verbena's pov

I was about to fly away when I see Lucy on the ground sleeping. " oh no Lucy wake up" I said shaking her. She freakin punches me! " five more minutes" Lucy said. I got slammed into a wall. Mato put up this town kind of illusion so it's harder to find people. I can't believe she is sleeping right now. Lucy suddenly turned invisible. Crap where did she go is she still there. I saw someone come my way, so I got ready. It was Jura, well I beat him once I can certainly beat him twice...

Did he just trip over himself. Suddenly he was picked up and slammed back on the ground again. Oh it must be Lucy ha that's actually not a bad idea. Making yourself invisible then when someone trips over you, you just beat the heck out of them.

Lucy's pov

I can't believe someone tripped over me. Clumsy much, I grabbed the persons foot pick them up and slam them back on the ground. I kick the side of the persons stomach. " Jura is out wow just by two hits from Lucy" Mato said in surprise. I guess I actually have to fight. I turn into my Undead Soul transformation

If you didn't know which one it was this is what it looks like

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If you didn't know which one it was this is what it looks like.

I close my eyes to locate everyone. I cast a spell on everyone except for my guildmates to bring people back from the dead or bad memories of all my enemies. I open my eyes and go defeat everyone one by one.

Timeskip~after Lucy defeats everyone

Lucy's pov

"Wow Lucy that was amazing" Sting said. "Thanks" I said blushing a little. The announcer called every guilds place then came ours. "First place is Sabortooth with 100 points a new record" Mato yelled. We go out and the crowd goes wild. " for my excellent work Stingy, and not going to sleep for the final round. I should get a piggy back ride" I said with a smirk. " ok but this is the last time" Sting said getting ready for me to get on his back. " that's what you said last time" I said with a smirk while getting on his back. "Whatever" Sting said walking us both home to pack up. " yo Lucy why are your eyes purple" Rougy said. " oh because I'm happy. My eye color changes depending on my emotions if I want it to. I said swinging my legs. I put my head on Stings shoulder and went to sleep

Stings pov

The things I do for this girl. We finally got there and I laid Lucy on her bed and Virgo came. " hey can you pack Lucy's stuff for her. " of course" Virgo said and started packing Lucy's stuff. After about 20 minutes we were done and I waked up Lucy to see if she'll teleport us to the guild. She did thank the lords because I didn't not want to be in a train. When we got there we partied like there was no tomorrow except for Lucy. I wonder if she stills doesn't feel good from the last time she drank beer.

Lucy's pov

Ugh I do not want to drink beer again. I'm so tired I think I can just sleep on this table. I might just go back to the apartment. I went up to Sting and told him that I was going back to the apartment. He said he was going with me even tho I said it was ok if he stayed at the guild. I felt like I was sleep walking I could barely keep myself up. After awhile everything was going black and I felt a pair of arms catch me. Man I'm tired.

Stings pov

We were walking to our apartment and I saw that Lucy was kinda swaying even tho she didn't drink anything today. Suddenly she started to fall so I caught her. Man she must be really tired tho I would think different since she practically slept the day away today. I carried her bridal style to our apartment and put her to bed. She was wearing a lot of cloths so I would think she would get hot in it. So I grabbed short shorts and a T-shirt and tried to wake her up. " what" she said faintly. "Lucy I need you to put these cloths on I'll check on you later. I go into my room to unpack and get ready for bed. After I did so I went to go and check on Lucy I knocked on the door but she didn't respond so I went inside. I saw her on her bed Tshirt on, but she barely got her shorts on. I swear I was blushing so hard I put Erza's hair to shame. I went and carful put on her shorts all the way and put the clothes she took off in her dirty laundry. " Oh Lucy what am I going to do with you. You constantly need to be taken care of ". Lucy was sweating bad and she was twisting around in bed. I got into bed with her and put my arm around her. I feel like I'm going to regret this when I wake up.

A/N heyo guys man I am so glad I finished three chapters in a row. I am surprised because I almost fell asleep making this one well I hoped you enjoyed it please comment what you think so far.
Bye bye

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