Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to My Demons

A/N Hello!!! How the hell y'all been?Sorry I know I don't update like I used to but I get writers block more .-. Oh plus HAPPY MOTHER FLUFFING VIOLENTINES DAY!!!(I know I'm late on saying that but I've been writing this all day with writers block then I watched the Younow broadcast with botdf) Anyway enjoy my BEAUTIFUL/ HANDSOME Demons :3 <3 ~Mari_Von_Monroe // Unity!!




Jayy's POV:


The house phone rings and I answer "Hello?" I say " Hey" They reply "Oh my god... DAHVIE!!!" I say super happy to hear his voice again "NO! Don't say my name, Daniel could be around my love" He replies "Oh, sorry, I've missed you so much and when Jeffree told me what happened I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I love you so much" I say "I love you too and I'll be over in a few I half to try and get my dad's gun out of our family safe" He says and I smile like an idiot "Okay my love please don't take long" I say "Okay I love you bye" he says before hanging up

I can't believe Daniel did this like what the fuck. I pace around waiting for Dahvie when I notice a note on the window? "Huh?" I go and grab it and begin reading


Jayy you're worthless I'm surprised that you haven't killed yourself yet.... Like how you wanted to before you met the other fag

-The whole fucking world FAGGOT

(End of note)

Well that made me feel FUCKING GREAT! I began staring at my razor I had thrown across the room... Maybe, What no Jayy you have Dahvie again and that was probably just from Daniel anyway. I hear a knock at the door. I ran over and opened it to see a face i never thought I'd see again "Dahvie" I whisper "Jayy" He replies. He comes in and closes the door behind him, locking it. "Jayy I've missed you so much I couldn't help myself but I almost even cut myself" He says in a whisper voice, my eyes filled with tears.. he was gonna cut himself! "What! N-no I-i-i made y-you wanna d-do s-something like t-that" I say crying  (A/N every time I write something that ends with a 'Y' I put 2 of them and then when I edit I'm like really... I caught myself doing it writing say I put sayy because i think of Jayy) "No I made myself but then I found the loop hole and called Jeffree... by the way why is his name written in pink in the phone book?" He asks and I giggle a bit "Have you ever seen Jeffree" I ask and he shakes his head 'no' "That's why *I find a pic of him in my room* This is him" I show Dahvie the pic and he giggles "So that explains a lot" He says "What?" I ask confused

"When he was on the phone with me he answered 'Helllooooo Jeffree Star speaking fabulously' and like after I explained what happened between us he said 'I see so where does this involve my glamorous ass?'" He replies mimicking Jeffree "Well that's Jeffree for ya" I giggle a bit before putting the picture in my pocket. "Oh Dahv's I can't find my cellphone.. I think Daniel took it" I say and Dahvie stars laughing "What? Is this really a time to laugh" I say "JayyBear look in your front left pocket" He says and I put my hand in my pocket and pull out my phone... "Oh.. Well I feel like a dumb ass" I say and Dahvie hugs me "But I love you anyway" He says and I kiss his head


Dahvie's POV:


I hold Jayy for a long time until he let go and looked me in the eyes "Dahvie will you watch a movie with me" He asks "Of course, anything for you JayyBear" I say and he walks me to the couch "Shit the cable went off, I guess my mom didn't pay the bill .-." He says and I giggle a bit "Wanna write a song?" i suggest "Yeah okay" He replies grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil "Okay what to write, what to write" I say repeatably "How about a song about you being my redeemer?" He asked and I got an idea "Yeah but let's make it a little funny?" I say and he nods.."About me fucking Christ?" He asks and I giggle "Yeah sure"..

Dahvie Jayy

Drag me away from the light, then i let you take my life

You wrote under my skin, I refuse to let you in

I'll hold you again, I'll bring light into those eyes

No matter how far underneath, your body lies

Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x2

Your body is my redeemer

 Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x2

Your violent desecrator

Your body is my redeemer

And I'm your divine savior

Your body is my redeemer

You told me I fuck like god, I told I am christ

It gets better when you die, any fuck before me is just a lie

I'll hold you again, I'll bring light into those eyes

No matter how far underneath, your body lies

Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x2

Your body is my redeemer

 Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x2

Your violent desecrator

Your body is my redeemer

And I'm your divine savior

Your body is my redeemer

Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x4


Woah ohhh ohhh ohhh x2

Your body is... YOUR BODY IS MY REDEEMER---

 Your violent desecrator

Your body is my redeemer (Your body, Your body)

And I'm your divine savior

Your body is my redeemer....

"Wow Jayy you can sing awesomely!" I say and he blushes "Thanks.." He says "Can you really fuck like god?" I ask jokingly "Find out for yourself" He said then winked at me. "Maybe I will.." I scoot closer to him and lean in to kiss him. We began kissing and it got more and more heated and soon both our shirts were off, Jayy was straddling me and.....






A/N Thank Jayy I was listening to Redeemer or I would've never updated this story, I'm happy this one is done... with a cliffhanger ;D Love you my demons of hell!! ~Mari_Von_Monroe // UNITY!!

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