Imaginary Friend

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Age 5.
"Hello." He'd said.
"Hiya!!" I replied.
"What's your name?" He asked
"That depends , what do you want my name to be?"
"How 'bout Max?" "A name for boys and girls!"
"Then I guess my name's Max!"
That was the first time I met Tyler.
Age 10
"Yeah Ty?"
"My friends said it's weird that I still have you ."
"Oh really ?"
"They said I should've given you up a long time ago ."
"Do you believe them?"
"At first I did , but not anymore ."
"And why is that?"
"They're all always upset now without their imaginary friends."
"Well that's what happens."
That was the first time someone at school confronted Ty about me. It wasn't the last.
Age 13
"So how was school?"
"Did you make any new friends?"
"Are they cool?"
"What does it matter to you , not like your ever gonna meet them."
That was the first time he sassed me. Left me pretty shocked. (Lol all the sass)
Age 15
"Why are you lifting weights?"
"Why do you need to know?"
<le gasp> "It's for a girl !!"
"Shut up"
But after that I was less hyper-active.
Age 18
"I can't believe we're going to NYU."
"What do you mean 'we' you're not taking any classes."
"But I'm still going!"
That was the last time I saw the house.
Age 20
"I can't believe you got a girlfriend!"
"I can't believe she said yes!"
That was the last time I saw him head over heels for a girl.
Age 25
"I can't believe you're getting married."
"I can't believe she said yes."
That was the last time I saw him.

"Bye Ty."
"... Bye Max."


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