chp#15 the lake

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The gate suddenly opened itself and bright white light came from inside the gate

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The gate suddenly opened itself and bright white light came from inside the gate. It was so bright that we had to shield our eyes from it.

I felt someone hold my hand and pull me inside the gate. Soon the light vanished, I opened my eyes and found myself standing in a crowd. I tried to see what was going on and moved forward.
I saw a huge carpet hovering in the air , it was like the carpet that brought us here.

On the carpet was the king of djinns. I was so surprised to see him. Next to him his wife , the queen of djinns was sitting.

The king of djinns got down and welcomed the king of Salemmah. They both sat together and the servants brought food and drinks for them. I walked towards them.
When the king of djinns saw me , he asked king of Salemmah the reason for bringing me along. The king told him the whole story , about the reason I came to Salemmah and how his wish came true and he was blessed with a son.

The king of djinns looked at me once again and then said to the king of Salemmah,
" when your son was born , my third wife saw him and asked the guards to bring him over to her , since she can't have children, she  treats your son as her own son."

The king of Salemmah said,
" dear friend, my son is your son. Whenever you or the Queen want to meet him , you can always come over."

I was looking around trying to find my prince. When I couldn't see him around I fell on my knees and begged the king of djinns to let me be with his son. The king of Salemmah also requested the king of djinns to let his son be with me.

After alot of resistance and anger , he said ,
" go to the lake , you'll find him there"
I was so happy , I thanked both the kings and ran to find my prince.

I kept on walking and soon spied a gem-blue stream in the forest. It was seeping and dribbling as it swerved through the trees. The moon light speared down from above, bathing the surface of river. It was glinting with little sparkles, like a thousand diamonds .

A galaxy of fireflies fizzed through the beams of light

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A galaxy of fireflies fizzed through the beams of light. My mouth agape with wonder, I  watched as seven Fairies laughingly dived into the deep, shimmering waters of the Lake.

 My mouth agape with wonder, I  watched as seven Fairies laughingly dived into the deep, shimmering waters of the Lake

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And then I saw him – my prince.
He was the last to enter the Lake, gliding through the water with his face radiant as the full moon, his eyes twinkling like a child’s. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever set eyes on. I felt like I would faint from rapture.

I waited for the fairies to leave and hid myself behind a boulder. After a few minutes , the fairies began to emerge from the water. They were ready to leave. The prince was the last to come out of the river. He sat down with his back against a tree. The fairies abruptly took flight, and in one unanimous flutter, they were gone.

All was silent, except for the gentle lapping of the water against the shore

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All was silent, except for the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. He was all alone.

I got up and walked towards the prince. He turned around when he heard the sound of my movement. He was staring at me , a look of disbelief on his lovely face.
A moment later , we were in each other's arms. Words cannot describe the joy and the peace that flooded over us as we embraced each other.

“My sweet love, after all these years..” I  whispered as he stroked my hair with his hand, holding me tightly.
“We can finally be together!”

We walked back towards the King's court , hand in hand. Everyone welcomed us as we walked towards the king of djinns.

The prince and I kissed the king's hand thanking him again and again. He then said ,
"I agreed on letting you both together, so now you have to stay with us here, in our world, forever, or you can leave now and will never meet my son again."

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