Where im going with this

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Ok, so, some news

So I do really enjoy writing this story, a lot and I don't plan on ending it on a cliff hanger like that, don't worry.

This story is currently on hold and it will be for a little while, I wanna wright up about 3-5 more chapters before publishing any (sorry)

Other then that, I'm working on a few other things and I'm extremely excited to post them as well

I'm also not gonna be doing any more smut parts (sorry you thirsty hoes ;))) (jk I love you))

Also, I would love to connect with you guys a bit more, so dm more or some shit, here is my social

Insta: @ fxndomstxff @ godhatesharley
Deviantart: @ slowtownfalls
YouTube (you probably can't find it rn): @ rubyintheforest

Anyways, leave some suggestions and shit of some x readers, fan fics or just even stories I should wright 🖤

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