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Rose POV

With my trunk fully packed I walk towards the great hall. Everyone of the sixth year is seated at their own tables, 11 of them with trunks, like me. I sit next to Narcissa.

'Hey, what are you doing here?' I ask.

'I've been asked to help out the ones that are going to be in Slytherin,' she answers. 'By the way, you're going to die in Gryffindor! And aren't you going to miss your beloved.. Ouch!'

I punched her just in time, because at that moment Severus sits down next to me.

'Hey, Sev, excited?'

He nods slowly, but I see him gazing around the room, as if looking for someone. I look around too, and see who he's missing: Evans.. Would she have withdrawn?

'Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce that the first ever Changing Week has begun! Please, go and sit at your new tables with your Head Boys and Girls.'

I gave Narcissa a hug, cry a dramatic 'Goodbye!' and then walk over to the Gryffindor table.

I sit down next to Peter Pettigrew, who looks at me like I'm some sort of scary monster. And if Black was a cat, he would definitely be hissing right now. I do not see Remus anywhere though.

Then I hear footsteps behind me and when I turn around, I see Evans running in with a red face, wearing her Quidditch clothes. And just behind her, like a puppy, is Potter.

'Ah, Miss Evans. How kind of you to join us. Have you made you mind up yet?'

'Yes, Professor. I'm sorry, but I can't join the project. I have no time because of my extra courses and the Slug Club.'

Pff, the Slug Club. She hasn't been there for ages. Probably because she's scared of Lucius.. I look at him, glaring at a Hufflepuff girl who clearly doesn't meet his standards for a dignified witch. Then I look at the Ravenclaw table. Although not visible to the naked eye, I think Severus is going crazy. Of course he is, now that Evans dropped out!

I missed the rest of McGonagall's speech so I only know that we're done here because everyone is standing up. I try to make eye contact with Sev, but he just stares into the distance. I see that he's not walking with his group, so I figure he's going to drop out as well. I'm going to try to convince him otherwise. I run up to him and grab him by his shoulders.

'Sev, what are you doing?'

'You should go. You're losing your group.'

'No. First I have to talk sense into you.'

'Sense? What does it matter? Why would I go to stupid Ravenclaw if Lily isn't even there?'

'Sev, come on. It's not like you're trapped in there. You still see her everyday, in class, right? And Ravenclaw is awesome! I think that if you weren't in Slytherin, you'd be a Ravenclaw!'

'Maybe,' he mutters.

'Come on. Just do it. If you don't like it, you can always still pull out.'

'Okay, if it'll make you happy.'

I roll my eyes, but still give him a hug. Why am I even convincing him? I guess it's to show him there are more fun things in life than Miss Redhead Smarty Pants.

'Bye Sev. Good luck!'

'Good luck to you! You're going to need it!' He shouts while I'm running to catch up with the others. But I'm too late. I lost them. How am I going to get inside? Just when I think that, I almost bump into Remus, who seems in a hurry himself.

'Hey! Amazing timing!' I tell him what happened.

'Rose, Rose, Rose. Not doing what you're told, already?'

I smile my sweetest smile at him.

'I think you'll just fit right in Gryffindor! Shall I show you around?'

'Yes, please. You're Prefect after all!'

'Let's go then.'

He walks me to the painting of the Fat Lady, who greets me a little coldly. But when Remus says I'm his friend, she's a little more kind. We crawl through the hole.

'I can't believe your password is Firewhiskey.'

'You better remember it. I will not be with you every time. But hey, this is it: our common room.'

I'm almost blinded by the screaming colours that are red and gold. It is a lot messier than in our common room, and a lot warmer as well. I take some time to look around and ignore all the staring students who just stopped doing their homework or playing chess or eating every flavoured beans.

'This is where my friends and I spend most of our free time. I think you can see why.' Remus is checking my reaction.

'I like it.' I say after a while. He smiles, seemingly happy I approve his hangout spot.

'And where do you lions sleep?' I ask the most important question.

'We lions sleep in our dormitories of course. This staircase leads to the boys's and', he walks over to another one, 'this one to the girls', but I'm afraid I can't accompany you there.'

'Why not?'

Remus puts his foot on the first step and immediately it turns into a slide! I start laughing.

'Boys can't enter the girls' dormitory? Now that's a rule I can appreciate.'

'Why? You don't have it?'

 I shake my head. 'But it's actually kind of a good idea. But do the girls get to..?'

'Yes, they can enter ours!'

I start laughing harder. 'It just got better!'

'You just get your stuff unpacked.' Remus pushes me towards the stairs, not hiding his grin.

I walk into the room which I think is the 6th years' dormitory. And I'm right, because I see Evans, still in her Quidditch gear, sitting on her bed and reading a book, of course. Even here, everything is red. It almost gives me a headache.

'Hi! Rose, right?' Evans asks politely.

'We've known each other since first year,' I say coldly. I should be nicer.

'So which bed is mine?' I ask in a more normal tone and even give her a little smile.

She points at the one beside hers. Great..

'And there sleeps Alice and beside her is Mary.'

'Alice Prewett? Isn't she a Hufflepuff?' I ask surprised.

'No, although a lot of people think that, because she's so sweet. And she and Frank are just adorable.'

I've already had enough Evans, but just when I'm about to leave the room, Mary McDonald bounces through the door.

'So it's true, there is a real Slytherin in our House!'

'Hi Mary. How are you?' I say drily.

'I'm great! Can I help you unpack your trunk?'

'Why are you all being so nice to me? Aren't we supposed to be 'sworn enemies'?'

'If you would not hold on to those stereotypes so tightly, you could learn a lot about the world around you,' a voice from behind Mary says. It's Alice.

'Hi Rose, welcome to Gryffindor.'

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