Chapter 12:Ellen part 1

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Nicole's Pov.
Today the girls and I go on Ellen, we're going to talk about the band, how we met and then perform one of our favorite songs Cannonball today and then tomorrow we have the whole hour so we're going to talk about our lives tomorrow.

Everyone close to us is going to be there for both days so Michael and the kids, Janet, Mrs. Johnson and Prince. Rachel is going to be on stage with us since she a unofficial part of the band at the moment.

"Are you ready girls?" Mom asks us on the ride there "Yes, Nervous but ready." Luca tells her "I'm excited but scared." I tell her "why baby? there's nothing to be scared about." Mom asks me "Well I want to tell everything about my past tomorrow." I tell her "The more they know about me the less lies they can make money off of." I tell her "Good point, it's up to you." she tells me.

"Nicole what about your father?" Luca asks me worried "he's not my father, he can't get to me now, I'm not afraid of him now I have you guys now, I feel safe." I tell them as we put up.

We meet everyone in the dressing room before we get ready. "Hey guys." I tell them walking in the room. "Hey Girls,I'm so proud of you." Mrs. Johnson says hugging us all "After this I need everyone to meet at our house." I tell them "Ok, well we'll leave and let you get ready." Janet tells us "bye guys." Leigh says sitting in her chair.

"Ok are we all ready?" Luca asks all of us "Yeah." We tell her. "5 minutes girls." The stage crew told us "Ok You got this girls go have fun." Mom tells us.

"For the First time on tv welcome Little Mix and Rachel Rose." We hear Ellen say before we walk on stage.

We give Ellen a hug before sitting on the couch, me making sure Pez and Luca are sitting next to each other and Rachel sitting on my lap.

"So we don't have too much time today so I'm just going to jump to it, How did you come up with the name Little Mix?" Ellen asks us

We laugh "Well actually we didn't come up with it Rachel did." I tell her "Rachel would you like to tell them?" I ask her "Well I can't really tell you the thought process because it wasn't much of one, but we originally started with Rhythmix but later found out it was a kids charity in England so I just thought of something close to it Little Mix." Rachel tells Ellen.

"Wow how old are you?" Ellen asks Rachel "8 I'm going to be 9 in a few months." She tells Ellen with a smile "Well happy early birthday." Ellen tells her "thank you." Rachel says

"I guess that's important how old are you guys?" Ellen asks us

"I'm 15 I turn 16 in December." I tell her "I just have turned 17." Luca tells her "I turn 17 in October." Leigh tells her. "And I just have turned 15." Pez tells her

"So you guys are incredibly close in age." Ellen says "Yes." "Is there any rumors you would like to address?" Ellen asks us "No, the only one that has been out was of me and I would like to talk about that tomorrow." I tell her "Wait, Alicia Keys did Adopt us just in case you haven't figured that out yet." Luca tells everyone making everyone laugh.

"Ok are there any Relationships on the forefront?" Ellen asks putting herself together "Nope we're all single ladies." I say looking at the girls "If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it whoa whoa." Pez And I sing "how do you do that?" Luca asks "you two always break out into song together without a word." Luca says "That's cause I can read minds Luca."
I say jokingly "Ok I'm done with you." She says making everyone laugh at how incredibly stupid we're being.

"Ok last question for the day, do you have any music releases coming in the future?"

"Of course we've been writing a lot lately we haven't been able to record any of it yet but we will soon." Leigh-Anne tells her "Ok well then you guys can go get ready to sing." Ellen tells us

We get up and head back to the dressing room to change before going out on stage to sing Cannonball.

Rachel is in the audience with mom and the others watching us. We finish singing and all we hear is applause.

"I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow." Ellen tells us "we look forward to being on the show." Leigh tells her "tune in tomorrow Little Mix will be back to talk about their personal lives." Ellen says to the camera before we gave her a hug and thanked her for letting us come on.

We head back to the dressing room to get our things before meeting everyone at the car.

"You Guys did amazing." Michael told us "thank you." Luca tells him "I'm so proud of my girls." Mrs. Johnson says "well how about we move this to our house." I say before getting in the car and heading home with the others following in their cars.

"Mom can we order Chinese food?" Luca asks mom "Yes we can, I'll call when we get home." Mom tells her "So what do you want to go when we get home?" Rachel asks me "Well I would like to talk to everyone about to tomorrow and make sure I'm making the right choice." I tell her before we put up.

Mom unlocks the door as we get our stuff out of the car after we get in we go change into comfortable clothes before going downstairs to see everybody sitting on the couch.

"I've already told mom this but I want to make sure that this is what I want to do. Tomorrow when we go on Ellen I want to tell everything and I mean everything about my life." I tell them

"Nicole it's your decision we will be behind you no matter what you decide." Michael tells me "Just be careful, and don't tell anything you're not comfortable with." Janet tells me

"But what about your dad and step mom?" Prince asks "Well they're both in jail so there's no way they can hurt us, plus I'm not afraid of them anymore, I have you guys who are more of a family than them ever were, I feel safe with you guys." I tell them before the doorbell rings.

"Girls the food is here." Mom says as she pays the guy. "Ok, coming." Perrie says.

After we eat we head upstairs to get dressed for bed, "I think you should do it baby, tell your story don't be afraid of him." My biological mom tells me as she appears behind me in the bathroom "Jesus! are you done doing that yet? Can you at least warn me before you talk?" I tell her.

"Sorry baby, But you really should do it, Alicia and the girls won't let anyone hurt you." She tells me "I'm going to do it, this will help me move out." I tell her before she leaves.

"Why is it always in the bathroom?" I say turning around to leave "Stop questioning me before I slap you up side the head." I hear my mom say "Ok fine I'm leaving." I say walking out of the bathroom.

We spend the rest of the night playing games and watching movies.

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