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Midnight nears, and it is close to being the night of the full moon, it is another silent night; there is but a single light on in a small studio from a college dorm. A young man, possibly around eighteen years old, was still working on some last-minute work. Black hair slightly sprawled across his face as he bent his head to add the finishing touches to what looked to be a portrait of what he portrayed Dracula to look like. This was not his only work of a creature of the night, due to his fascination with creatures of the night, he had a lot of pieces of work that revolved around them. This fascination of his had brought on mockery and teasing from his peers at the college, as he even believed that they were real.

He longed to know more about these creatures of the night. He had secretly dreamed of meeting one in hopes of learning all they had to teach. He didn't dare tell his peers about that desire as it would bring more teasing, and he could only shrug so much of that off. With his being a human, he was unaware of the fact that he had in fact caught the eye of the very creature that he had been wanting to meet the most, a vampire.

For the past few nights, as he had neared the completion of his portrait of Dracula, a vampire would watch him from the street below his window until dawn neared. This vampire seemed to be intrigued by him and his work. It was hard to say what intentions this vampire had, but it was safe to say that the future of this young man would soon be surrounded in the darkness and blood that came with the world of the vampires. As the night is a very unpredictable thing, there is no saying what his future within the world of vampires would mean for him or the vampire he would soon come to meet. 

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