Chapter 1

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The sun was hazily shining through my bedroom window, casting shadows across the room. Everything was peaceful and quite, the house was silent except for the tincture sound of someone taking a shower somewhere downstairs. My eyes slowly began to fall as the warmth of the drowsy sun continually washed over me, and I was asleep.

I was flying through the night like a bat. It was almost prodigious. I could hear the air rushing in my ears and feel the wind blowing around. I could see everything around me in clear details. I started to ascend even higher, brushing against the clouds in the sky. In the distant I could hear fireworks and see bright flashes of color burst in the sky. As I continued flying the fireworks got closer and closer, louder and louder until I could almost bear it no more. As the next one went off I flew directly into the shower of red sparks, blinding me...

I awoke to a series of loud bangs happening on the floors below me, I laid in bed scanning the room around me, trying to listen and... find the source of the loud clatter below me. I soon realized that the sounds I heard were not the sounds of slamming doors or broken dishes, but gunshots.

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