Bucky x Reader/ Truth or Dare

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It was Friday game night at The Avenger tower and everyone was there. From Thor, to Steve, to Bucky. You and Bucky have been friends ever since he came to live in the tower. Tony and Steve thought it would be best to keep him safe. You and Steve were the only ones he could trust, you have developed a huge crush on Bucky, but thanks to your ways of hiding your feelings easily, nobody knew. Bucky was another situation, he had an enormous, hopelessly large crush on you. And everyone seemed to know, except for you.

"So, what game should we play first? Truth or Dare?" Asks Tony at he glances over at Steve. Steve giving Tony a confused look as everyone murmurs with agreement. "Very well. Who wants to go first."
"I'll go." Says Bucky almost instantly, causing everyone to chuckle. "Y/n, truth or dare?"
"Truth?" I say hesitantly.
"Who do you like?" Bucky decides to ask as I almost choke on my own saliva, while my eyes open with great shock. Being the only one who doesn't know what Bucky is trying to do, everyone stares at me.
"No one." I try to say as calmly and convincing as possible." Next person." As the game continued, it was Bucky's turn again. He turns towards me and asks, "Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Who do you like?" "Nobody, Bucky." I say a bit annoyed and nervously. On the next round, it's Bucky's turn, again. And dares to ask me the same thing.

"Y/n, Truth or dare?"
"Seriously, Buck? TRUTH!" "Who do you like?"
"How many times are you going to ask me that?!" I basically scream at him.
He calmly looks at my eyes, deeply and responds, "As many times as it takes for you to say my name." Then he glances at the floor. The whole room silent . I feel everyone except Bucky staring at me, as my cheeks turn tomato red and the corners of my lips curl up. Then, I stand up, walk over to Bucky, sit down next to him and give him a quick peck on his cheek.
"I like you too." I say giving him the biggest smile.

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