Bad Morning!

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(Y/N) P.O.V 2 yrs after robot thing.
It was Saturday morning and I woke up to birds chirping, sunny skies, a beautiful breeze! JUST KIDDING! I woke up to my brother screaming, Edd yelling, and Matt crying about a broken mirror.
"EDD WHY DOES HE HAVE TO STAY HERE?!" Tom was yelling at the top of his lungs.
Edd yelled back.
I got up and threw on my (F/C) sweatshirt. The guys were still screaming, so to resolve one of the problems I opened our closet and pulled out a bag of mirrors. My (F/C) flask fell off the shelf and hit me on the head.
"Ow!" I couldn't even hear myself, they were screaming so loud. I took out a mirror and walked downstairs.
I gave Matt the mirror and he immediately smiled.
"Run, its gunna get louder."
"How much louder can it get?!" He said smiling running for his room.
I opened the cabinet under the sink and took out to pans. I started to hit them together.
I screamed over every thing. When that didn't work I walked over to Tom and stomped on his foot. Instead of screaming at me, he screamed in pain and fell. I turned to Edd and looked threatening with the pan.
"Anyone gunna tell me what in the HELL IS GOING ON?!" I said kinda pissed now.
Tom pointed at Edd,
I turned to Edd.
"What was I supposed to say?! If I declined it would've been rude!"
They both stared at me.
"Can I get him a gift basket?" I said happily.
"Are u kidding me right now?!"
I smiled and made an annoying face towards my annoying brother.
"I'll take this!" I grabbed his flask and ran to our room.
"(Y/N)!" Tom yelled chasing after me.
Edd sat there and laughed.
Matt came down. "What just happened?"
"Alot. Alot just happened."
                ~Toms P.O.V~
"Seriously!?" I yelled at (Y/N). She was drinking my beer! Thats not fair!
"What?" She looked at me with the 'Im about to get drunk!' look.
We stared at eachothers empty eyes untill Matt came in crying about another broken mirror.
"MATT I JUST GOT YOU A MIRROR!" (Y/N) yelled and laughed at the same time.
She went in our closet and grabbed another of the hundreds of mirrors we have and handed it too him.
After the flask ran out she demanded that Edd and Matt go and get more and some food at the store, even though we just went shopping two days ago.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Ugh. All I want is some more beer. I tried to get Matt and Edd to go get some but they said they went like 2 days ago.
Who knew me and Tom could finish two whole packs in a day. Plus this morning.
~Time Skip~
Me and Tom were watching Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell IV.
Once the movie ended me and him walked up to bed.
"Wow. That movie was uh..some..thing..?" I said suprised I didn't quit and go to bed, because of the cringe.
"Yeah no it sucked" Tom said confidently.
We went to bed. I really couldn't sleep. It was definantly not that movie. Or maybe it was, the cringe could've been so bad it gave me sleeping problems? Yeah no. All of a sudden I heard the front door open. I turned and looked at Tom. OH HELL NAW! NO ONES BREAKING INTO MA HOUSE!!! NUH UH! I got up and grabbed my gun and quietly opened the door. There was a horned shadow walking towards the kitchen. Wow. I went back in my room and texted Leo and Owen.

HEY! This is one of my first stories And im super excited! Sorry, I just found a stopping point and took it, it felt a little long for a first chapter! Sorry if its short to you! NXT CHAPTER SOON!

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