Chapter 2: Jealousy Arises

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Later that evening, We all had dinner together at in Eric and Lori's room. "This is great pasta Eric" Anthony said. "Thank you. Hailey helped though. She is getting better I have to admit." "Oh dolly here let me get that for you" Lori said picking up a napkin and gently making it look like she was wiping sauce off Colton's face. The funny thing is there was no sauce on his face. I can see it upset Eric. "Will you excuse me for a second" Eric said walking out to the kitchen. I followed him. "Eric don't worry about her. She is a slut. Plan and simple." He still looked hurt and upset by what he saw. "I know. I'm just tired of losing girls I care a lot about to Colton." I understood the hint he dropped about me. "You didn't lose her.Tomorrow when we go through with our plan, she will be crawling back to you." "The thing is I don't know if I want her back." "Well then she can be seeing what she is missing." He smiled that perfect smile. "Sounds good." Just then Colton walked in. "Hey what are you guys doing out here?" He looked jealous. It didn't take much to do that. "Just talking. That's all." "Well Eric, I think I'm going to take my girl back to our room now." He walked over and pulled my hand closer to him. He didn't like how close I was standing to Eric. "Okay, I will keep Hailey company then" I heard Eric say. "Ha very funny. Listen dude there is no need to get jealous me and Lor are just friends. That's all. You don't have to get all mad every time we talk or hang out." Colton said looking aggrivated. Instead of letting it go, Eric added "really your telling me that? Every time Hailey and I are alone together you come in and take her away getting all jealous." "Well with you guys it's different." "How?" They were getting really close like a fight was going to go down. They were both pissed. "Well I will tell you how it's different. I didn't stab you in the back and kiss Lori now did I? It happened once it could happen again that's why I don't like you alone with her." "It was one time. Stop bringing up the past." "I am just saying she is and always was and will be better off with me and you should just get over it already." "BETTER OFF WITH YOU?" Eric yelled. "You want to bring up the past?How about I brng up the time you slammed her against the wall. Remember that?Huh? I couldn't believe what was happening. Everyone else heard the yelling and came out to the kitchen. Colton was so furious at Eric's remark, he pushed him back with force. This time Eric fought back. Anthony and Joey had to get involved and break them up. "Let's go were leaving" Colton said taking my hand. "If she doesn't want to go with you she doesn't have to" Eric said taking my other hand. "She's is not staying here with you that's for sure. And if you don't let go of her arm right now we will recreate the time I gave you that black eye." Eric let go and said before he left "you don't deserve her." Colton took my hand and went back to our room. I didn't know what to think or who's side to be on.

After I got my pajamas on I went on my laptop for a bit and went on Facebook and Twitter. Then Colton came in the room and sat by me on the couch. "Hey I'm sorry about before. I have been spending too much time with Lori and I'm sorry." "It's fine" is all I said. "It's clearly not because you are still angry with me." "Colt it's been a long day why don't you just go to bed." "No. I'm not sleeping until I get you to forgive me. I will stay up all night if I have to." "I'm not mad." "Yes you are. I knew you for over 10 years. We got married and have a daughter. I know when you are mad and I know when your lieing to me." "Colt what do you want me to say? I have to agree with Eric on some stuff. You have spent the whole day being buddy buddy with Lori than when I spend some time with Eric you get pissed and jealous. How is that fair?" "You're right I'm sorry. I did over react." "How could you through a that time he kissed me all those years ago in his face to feel bad about himself?" "The same way he could through the biggest mistake of my life I made by putting my hands on you." When he said that he was more angrey and aggressive. "Look Hail I don't know what you want me to do or say I am trying to apoligize and you are taking Eric's side and shutting me out. I am your husband! Me! No matter how bad he wants to be or how bad you want him to be he's not" he said standing up practically yelling at me. "How could you say that? After all these years, after everything we have been through how can you still be jealous of him?" "I don't know Hailey. After all this time how can you still believe that I would cheat on you?" "YOU'RE COLTON RUDLOFF! You have girls screaming in your face every time you turn around!" "I still stayed faithful. You can't say the same thing. You have kissed some one else. No matter how long ago you still did." He walked off and went to the room slamming the door behind him. Tears started to stream down my face. I heard a knock on the door. I wiped away the tears and opened the door. "Hey Hail just wanted to make sure you were okay?" Joey said. "Yeah I'm fine." "Have you been crying?What happened?" "Its nothing just a argument that's all. I'm fine." "Well would you feel more comfortable sleeping in my room until he cools down?" "Are you sure you don't mind?" "Of course not I insist. And I am probably going down to the bar with Anthony so it will just be you and Bre." "Okay. I grabbed my phone and charger and went with Joey to his room. He dropped me off and went down to meet Anthony at the bar. Bre saw how upset I was and we talked for hours. We both feel asleep on the sofa around 3:30 a.m. Joey I guess came home around 4 and felt bad so instead of sleeping in his room, he fell asleep in the living room along side us.

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