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Santana's POV

Stirring, I hum mixed with a groan as I turn on my side to be met with a beautiful blonde sleeping peacefully. I smile to myself and just look at Brittany who looks so beautiful with her blonde hair cascaded over her face and the pillow. I gently tuck some blonde locks behind her ear so I can get a better look at her face. I run my eyes down her face and take in every little detail, the soft pated lips that puffs are breath are coming out of, her nose that is semi straight but a little crooked from the amount of times she's broken her nose and put it back in place herself. Her strong arched brows that are littered with scars and eyelashes so thick that it could be illegal. Her eyes, even though I can't see them I know they are deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water softly melted into a milky silver. Her distinct cheekbones and her angular jaw, ugh fuck her jaw could be classed as life goals. Of course her pale skin makes her look devilishly beautiful and I can't help but think, how did I get so lucky?

But then I think about how lucky I am, I realise that she goes away soon for god knows how long. I know it's going to kill me not seeing her beautiful face or hearing her angelic voice that sends shivers down my spine. Just looking at her and being with her I know that no matter the distance my attraction to her will remain constant. She could be at the ends of the earth and still I would feel a pull towards her. There's always been something about Brittany and I that matches and when Times are dark I know she would be the one who lifts me back into the light.

"You know it's rude to stare" Brittany croaks out with a playful hint to her voice. A blush spreads across my cheeks at the fact of being caught staring at her like a creeper. I hear Brittany chuckle before she leans forward and places a chaste kiss on my lips making my yes flutter close and respond. I take Brittany's bottom lip between both of mine in a kiss and hum at the sensation I get from having Brittany's lips on mine. We pull away and I hum in appreciation, thankful for those holy lips.

I snuggle forward and run a finger down Brittany's strong jaw whilst letting out a content sigh. Brittany watches me intently with a smile playing at her lip and I press a soft kiss to her lips.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I rasp out and Brittany nods with smile, leaning forward and planting a kiss to my forehead.

"It was amazing because you were in my arms" She smirks and I roll my eyes playfully, budging her nose with mine playfully.

"You sappy shit" I grin and the soldier in my arms lets out a blissful laugh making me grin wider.

"You're calling me sappy? Um who was it that cried during the notebook yesterday?" Brittany accuses with raised eyebrows and a smirk making me mumble and bury my head in her warm, cosy neck. She nips at my ear playfully making me giggle and plants a kiss on my head. "But I think your sappiness is cute!" She coos making me blush and nip at her neck. It's weird but Compliments, in an exaggeratedly sad way makes my life worth living. Without them, I feel like nothing. Every time I look in the mirror and feel ugly I remember all of the times that Brittany's called me beautiful. Every time I feel worthless I remember when Brittany told me that she missed me. All of these compliments from this beautiful blonde fills up the emptiness inside of me, or better yet they replace the negativity and darkness that appeared when Brittany walked out of my life. Now, Now it's being replace with light.

I hum into Brittany's neck and close my eyes, just revelling in the softness of her skin and how good it smells. Like seriously I'm on the verge of falling asleep she's so comfy. If it wasn't for Brittany mumbling to me I think I might've fallen asleep by now.

"You can't go back to sleep san, I'm going to cook you breakfast and now that you're awake I wanna spend the whole day with you" Brittany grins and I chuckle breathlessly, pulling my face out from Brittany's neck and smiling. I then remember something and my smile turns into a pout and I groan slightly.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now