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Announcement! -w-

I started a new story, but since I want to perfect my writing skills and since I really am like the worst author and writer in the world...

/sam/ she really is, she is more into art than into writing storys... The reason she created me was that she wanted someone who is like a sister for sans so... Yeah. That's when I came up.

/me/ could I please continue speaking? You kinda cut me off right now.

/sam/ 'course, I am not holding ya back...

/me/ thanks. So as I was saying, I am not the best writer in the world, also I do want to publish the story if I got somewhat like five or six chapters.

/sam/ understand her please, she is really shy if it comes to writing and showing off her skills...

/me/ I also have got a own voice -.-*

/sam/ you're still quite bad with words.

/me/well thanks ¬_¬

But also, there is some art above I got recently from some videos, they were freakin' awesome!!

Anyways, hope you got a nice morning/day/afternoon/night.

Bye donuts ^^

*signs the chapter*

Lilac Fox Artist / samundertale

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