Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Hi, I'm Hannah Baker. Not live on stereo but writing in this diary while listening to the radio.  All I can hear is the same thing, 'Hannah Baker burnt to death' 'Hannah Baker death video released by anonymous user' 'Hannah Baker committed suicide.' Hannah this, Hannah that. It's all bullshit, I didn't die, that's what they all think (not including my parents.) I simply ran away, ran away from the old life I had, I had enough of everybody around me. People were so cruel and evil, they spread rumors about me, publicly shamed and embarrassed me, set me up for shit I didn't do and most of all, I have a stalker who doesn't seem to be capable of the things he does but he is, trust me. He hides his true self behind his big camera lens, following every person, he lurks behind the shadows and is always beside you when you least expect it, you just don't know that, you must know who I am talking about, the one and only, Tyler.  He seems like the shy little geek of the class but behind his act, he could do anything including murder and not leave a single trace.  That's just the psychopathic asshole he is. You may be wondering, how could you trick dozens of people into thinking your a dead girl? It's simple, I know someone who is extremely good with editing videos and more, I payed them 20% of my college tuition for them to make a video of me 'committing suicide' I thought that the plan I created would fail and I would get jail time for faking my death but the video actually tricked people into thinking I was dead. My parents are helping me with this plan, at the start they told me that as long as i'm safe, they will support me but my safety is not their intention, all they want is attention and sympathy and more people to come to their shitty shop, I can tell. That's what I hate so much right now. I then created tons of 'confession' tapes dedicated to 13 people and put it into a box and gave it to a trusted friend, the intention of the tapes was to make the people on them feel bad and feel guilty for my 'suicide', (not including Clay even though he was on the tapes) payback is sweet.  I wonder who i've sent on a guilt trip now. Part of me is glad I ran away for good but another part of me misses something, someone, Clay. I feel so bad for making him grieve over my 'death.' How do you know he is grieving over you? You may ask. Let's just say that Tyler wasn't the only one lurking behind the shadows. (Ps: I was wearing disguise of course!!!) I  just want to see Clay properly, I want to have a conversation with him, not follow him around without him knowing, I want to tell him the things I never got to say and most of all, tell him the truth. But 'nooooo' says my mother and father, I can't visit anybody according to them, they are scared because they feel like everyone will find out i'm alive and that they will get took to jail for helping me with the plan, all they care about is themselves and what will happen to them, not me, their own god damn daughter. Perhaps, I shouldn't of got them involved, I thought they would understand, I guess I was wrong. I honestly don't care what they say though, I am going to see Clay and that's it! I don't need their permission, it's my life, not theirs. I am entitled to my own decisions! They don't understand how bad I feel right now because of how I made Clay feel and how I am letting him carry this burden of guilt on his shoulders, he doesn't deserve that. I am going to arrange something, I hope Clay will understand my purposes.


(I seriously hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you enjoyed it, make sure to add it to your library because I will be working on more chapters which will be released very soon so keep an eye out for that. -Chloe.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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