Chief Medical Officer

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It had started out as all other shore leaves, groups beaming down and quickly finding where they wished to spend their time off, and a good handful of crewmembers had ended up in the dark bar that night. Thankfully they were mainly the only patrons there. From ensign to the captain, every single crewmemeber in the bar was wasted. Jim Kirk leaned on the bar, a drunken haze clouding his eyes, and turned to the brown haired man next to him. Bones might be able to more than hold his liquor, but that didn't exclude him from their current state. "Say, Bonesy..." The golden haired man drawled, "You're a go- "hic" od doctor, the bestest." Bones slowly turned to look at the other man, head drooping slightly to the bar top, "Yeah, kid, whass it too ya'" he responded, southern drawl more than evident. Kirk grinned, a messy slyness overcoming his features, "How goood tho?" he poked the brown haired man's arm playfully. McCoy turned to the captain as sharply as he could, his sense of balance more than a little off, "Issat a cha-challenge Jimmy?" A giggle bubbled out of the other man's mouth, the alcohol removing all inhibitions, "Yessitis," Jim paused, gathering his slippery thoughts, "Name... name all the crewmemberr people with liverss." he slurred out. "You're barkin'up the wroong tree darlin'" Bones replied, "'schild's play."

McCoy stumbled to his feet, weight shifting as if uncertain if to topple him over quite yet. He shuffled over a bit, coming over to lean next to Jim, and shouted "LISSINUPYAASTRONERDS TIMTA LINE U "hic" UP!" The crew looked blearily up at him, some more alert than others. Some crewman shouted, "No!", and the bar burst into varying pitches of giggles, a handful still staggered up however. McCoy grunted, muttering something about no good space explorers, and settled his weight back on the counter. "Fiine, illsti- still win." He scooted back on the counter a bit, getting comfortable for the upcoming challenge. He pointed at the first crewman, then the second, third, and fourth, "Pyourr species dunthav livers, butyagohot two smalltestines, double coil. You-yougot one, sawit lascheckup, bittoomuch alcohol tho. Yourss wus removed, age sevnn. And you, yougot twof everything, seenyur innurds nufta know." A goofy grin appeared on each persons face, including Kirk's, the doctor obviously right. Kirk grinned deeper, and slung an uncoordinated arm around the doctor's shoulders. "Go-good grief, Boneessy. Howdya membertall?" He asked as McCoy slid back in next to him, chuckling and preening with pride over his victory. There was another round of drinks bought, and the night continued on.

Chief Medical OfficerWhere stories live. Discover now