Princess Leanna

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Nik trained until Ulric called mercy, he body full of energy and what Maël left unfinished. He'd contemplated finishing it himself, but Ulric had entered as she left and stayed with him until he took Alene's arm.

Nik sank into the seat near the window, the sun making his skin steam. He'd overdone it, swinging the heavy sword even after his arms had yelled to stop, his legs barely able to hold him up. Now that he was seated, even the heat of the sun couldn't move him. Ulric had kept his own, but now sank into a chair shaded by the tall curtains. Other guards and Lords came in out of the practice room, always keeping an eye on the Prince. Everyone always kept an eye on him, making sure he wasn't endangering himself, making sure he wasn't making a mock of his throne. If they only knew the most wanted assassin of Rhawon was the Princess of Yulin.

He had yet to figure out why she'd come to the castle, the thought never staying long enough before she used her body to push his mind somewhere else.

Ulric stood from his chair, "Water?" He asked and poured a glass from the chilled pitcher. The Prince nodded before pushing out of the chair himself. Just moving across the room made his body ache, he didn't dare to think about how he'd have to move later.

He drank the entire glass before he sighed a thank you.

Ulric filled the glass again, "You should get a salve for those." He pointed to Nik's side and back. Where the long scratches had broken during training, now red and swollen again as sweat rolled into them.

The Prince only shrugged, "Then I'd have to deal with a small fingered girl rubbing them on me, getting her own ideas." He recalled every time he'd seen a nursemaid, always smiling with rosey cheeks as he hit on them. His affection for the women had traveled far enough that they'd wait outside the training room for him to be injured. Now he ordered them to leave him alone, he'd tend his own ailments.

The King had become aware of his sons affection, bringing in older, married nursemaids and servants. The Queen paid small head to his bed, only pushing Princess Alene into his head every time they spoke. The intolerable Princess with the hungriest hand he'd ever seen, she needed his crown. He hadn't missed her disgust and betrayal when he'd been seen with Maël, Princess Leanna, whatever she's calling herself.

As if knowing who he was thinking of Ulric clinked his glass onto the table to bring him back.

"Think again loverboy, I saw your killer scaling the castle this afternoon." Nik would have shrugged if his body hadn't protested even the thought.

"She's here for a reason, I'll find out and let you know. It's probably nothing." Nik shrugged, knowing full well she was either lying about being a Princess, or lying about being an assassin. But the way she'd been able to conquer him too many a night, he doubted the latter.

Ulric sighed as his eyes scanned the room, "Now's as good a time as any." He motioned to the door. Nik turned to see her in all black, the tight clothes sending his mind down into that familiar hole. She stalked to him, her hair braided back and her lips painted with that vibrant red he'd slid under her door that first night.

She stopped at the distance it took to take in his entire body, "Up for a spar?" She was reading the exhaustion.

Even though his mind begged, his body screaming the answer, a small part of him, mostly pride, answered her, "always."

So they sparred, her practice sword swinging into his with such force he almost lost on the first swing. They got into a steady rhythm, he'd never faced anyone this good before. He supposed she'd have to be good, but not like this. She'd pinned her knees on his shoulders twice before he'd changed the rules and grabbed the metal swords. His body sang at the weight, the muscles in his arms and back useless as she swung the blade into his. That sound echoing through the castle halls, the metal his kingdom bred beating him.

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