When you need someone to talk to
And it's been so long
When you need someone to talk to
And nobody comes along
Everybody is too busy
And they should be
But all I ask for is five minuets
Is that too much?
Why have I made my life so?
So empty. No dreams
Worth dreaming
No love
Worth loving
No respect
But what have I done to deserve it
I can't possibly fathom
The extent of my potential
But it all goes to waste
When I leave it all in such haste
You've seen my best
You can't bare my worst
Life is a test
Why am I failing this course
I haven't been taught
No education given
I'm alone out here
Point blank in this bitter haven
You act confused around me
You act scared near me
Is it because of my darkness
Because I stay in the shadows
The stars twinkle in the night sky
Yet I stay alone, hoping to die
I am crazy
I say it proudly and hold my head high
Cause someday soon I'll find her with a sigh
The other crazy one
Both of us, moons among the sun
People will laugh. They will hate
But when ive got my soulmate
How can I uphold fate
Her smile like sunshine
Eyes like the ocean
When you look at her, you stop
You freeze and you drop
She's the one who takes me there
The one who makes even me stare
I've never met another like her
It's like I'm dancing on thriller
The way she talks makes me melt
This way I've never felt
So why, are you still lost
Still not in my arms
Am I not or too crazy for you
Must be cause I don't even know if you love me the way I do