Chance Encounter

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Hannah had been restored to health, but she was still very far from home. She was constantly complaining, and honestly I had just about had enough of it. I knew why she was mad, and knew what she wanted, but I knew that she knew why I couldn't get it to her. Why she was constantly bitching about it, I hadn't the slightest clue.
"So where are we going?"
"Nice answer."
"Do you really want to know where?"
"Alright then."
We didn't talk for a little bit, but I knew something was on her mind.
"Well, are you gonna tell me or not?"
"Fine, we're going to get a wand."
"Why didn't you just take one of the wands off the green guys?"
"I don't know. I wasn't thinking."
"Right. Blast a hole through another mans spine without thinking."
I glared at her, and saw two or three people give us funny looks and she shut up.
"I'm sorry Grayson."
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"Look, I know you didn't mean to..." She looked around, VERY inconspicuously, and whispered, "kill him, but I think people would have known it was self defense.
"They tampered with evidence before, who's to say they wouldn't do it again?"
"Well, they were all unconscious at the time, so I figure we would've been fine."
"I wasn't going to take the chance of you getting captured again. I made a tactical risk, possibly a tactical error. There was to much shit flying around, I couldn't risk you getting captured again."
"Well, I appreciate it. Thank you."

I walked the streets of DC. Nobody gave me a second glance, I was happy about that. That never happened at school, and the guy, Weasel, who I had met here was always reminding me that I'm apparently gorgeous. I'm not THAT good looking, what was everyone going on about? Weasel wasn't to terrible, but everyone looked away from the two of us. He just helped me get stuff. He was trying to help me get a sword, but he apparently got sidetracked. We were now going to go get some very urgent dinner, as he says.
"Weas, where are we going?"
"I told you love, it's a surprise."
"I hate surprises."
"I'm sure you do, knowing your history with them."
"Shut up."
"I'm sorry, it's just so terribly tempting." He grinned from ear to ear.
"So terribly tempting to bring up my parents murder?"
"I just love seeing the goosebumps pop up on your skin. It looks so fantastic!!" He giggled and at least three people turned their heads and stared, before turning back around.

Whenever I spoke parseltongue, people looked at me like I was reciting a ritual or something. I hated that, but at least they couldn't seem to hear Spike. Never really found out why that was, but Spike kept on growing. In strength, power, and size. My shoulders wouldn't be able to carry him much longer. Maybe I could buy a truck, or something. Then we could travel for miles and he wouldn't be seen, nor would he be hurting me inadvertently. He's a great friend to have, don't get me wrong, all I need to do is flip up a mirror and whoever is trying to attack is down. Petrified, he called it. Apparently, I was immune, something about trust in each other, which, in truth, I did trust him. He was the kindest creature I had ever met. Much better than any human I had met.
"So Hell raiser, where to now?"
"Why do you keep calling me that? We never discussed this nickname."
"Yeah, but you got to nickname me, so why can't I give you a name I can call you?"
"Because I already had a name."
"What if I already had a name TOO?"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, REALLY!"
"Okay, what was it?"
"Uh... What was what?"
"You're name. What is it?"
"Uh... Ron.... Bert.... Fred... Ward...."
"... Ronbertfredward?"
"The second. Ronbertfredward the second, yes."
"So which do you like better? Spike or... Ronbertfredward?"
"Well... That's sort of a general question, I mean there's a lot of things that go into that."
"Yes, like length of the names, and the simplicity of them. The way that the names roll off the tongue."
"Yeah, hell raiser just works like that."
"Yeah, the same way Ronbertfredward just sort of sounds right, right?"
"Exactly." I felt him nod in my backpack.
"You dickhead."
He jabbed me with his tail. We shared a laugh and kept moving.

Third person:
Grayson was still dealing with Hannah, and Jane was still trying to find her own way around while dragging Weasel around after her. Grayson caught sight of Weasel and stopped in his tracks. Weasel made eye contact and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped. Jane hadn't seen this look before and looked curiously toward Grayson. Grayson looked into her eyes with anger. She looked at him in near terror and grabbed Weasel by the ear and ran, pushing through the crowd, with Grayson and Hannah right behind them. Helen saw the commotion and tried to avoid it, but the crowd shoved her towards it. She didn't want to resist and risk someone feeling spike in her backpack. She walked toward the four people who seemed to be enemies and told spike to be ready to look into the mirror, so that she could stun anyone who tried to start an attack. Men in green suits stood on the sidelines. Only Helen saw them. She wondered what they were doing, maybe they were security. She walked towards the group of four, Grayson had caught up to Weasel and Jane and was holding Weasel by the collar. Weasel, of course, did not appreciate this. Then again, neither did Grayson. Seeing him again was torturous, and the memories fueled a never ending rage.
"Weas, what the hell are you doing here?"
"Oh, it's nice to see you too old friend!"
"Shut up, rat! You followed me here, didn't you? You knew where I was going.
"Maybe so, but who says I was following you?"
"Stop speaking riddles, and tell me."
"Okay, fine, have it your way. I came to DC hoping to find you, and see if I could figure out what the hell was going on. We found a body, but only assumed you had been taken or killed by those green guys."
"Green guys?"
"Yeah, like those ones."
Grayson whipped around only to see Helen there and the green men and women grabbing their wands. He grabbed Helen and Hannah, and Jane grabbed weasel and they went down, as a wave of energy dropped every single mortal around them. They fell in a big heap. The green suits closed in, but suddenly Hellen jumped up and spun around, pulling a string on her bag. Grayson wondered what a muggle was going to do against a group of highly trained wizards, but noticed how none of them had actually killed her, and then noticed that half of them had fallen over. He stood up and looked at her. She pulled the string again and the mirror went down. She looked at him and smiled.
"Hi. Thanks for helping out."
"Yeah, don't mention it."
Hannah. Finally stood up. "What was that?"
"Oh, just Spike."
"Who's spike?" Grayson questioned.
"He's my pet." Spike jabbed Hellen in the back, and she twitched suddenly. "FRIEND!!! Friend, he's a friend."
Grayson and Hannah looked at each other and looked back at Hellen. Simultaneously they said, "What?"
"Okay, just don't worry about it. I'll explain on the way."
"On the way to where?"
"Wherever you were going."
Hannah took offense to this. "We're not just going to take you with us!"
"Well, I assume those green suited people were after you, and only Spike can completely incapacitate them."
Grayson stopped Hannah from telling her off. "Okay, I think we could all use some time to cool down, we need to discuss things, and get our stories straight. Let's go back to the safe house, Weas will explain himself there."
"Seems only fit, by the way, my name is Jane. Jane Nazgul."
"Pleasure. My name is Grayson Gray, this is Hannah."
"I'm Hellen. Hello everyone."
They all started walking just as a few more muggles came in and patted most of the other non-magic people awake. They couldn't wake up the men and women in the green suits, so they called the police. The team barely made it past their blockade. Hellen almost petrified a few of the guards, but instead Weasel just hit them. They didn't know who those people were, or what they were after, but they knew that they could only trust each other. Their lives would be like that for quite a long time.

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