~Chapter1~The News~

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As I woke up early, I put my nightgown on and went out to the balcony. It was still quite early but I couldn't get sleep. As I sat, I closed my eyes, I could hear the waves pulling in and out and I could feel the gentle breeze. I start to think of my life. How I had everything and most important I had my family there for me at all times. How a minute can change your entire life. All my siblings and I have is only each other; we can only trust each other. I then flash back to the night when mum had an important meeting and said she will be home at 8. My younger sister and brother decided we should play monopoly so we did. After the victory of Alex we watch some TV. The time flew so fast it was already 9. I then decided to call my mum as she was an hour late, she answered and was acting different. I could hear her footsteps running and she said she will be home soon. Another tear fell down my cheek as I remember her last words she said to me.

"Kimberly my lovely and successful girl no matter what happens still keep in mind that I love you all too much. All three of you are my little treasures. Remember you are the oldest and I trust you to take care of your brother and sister. Whatever happens you only got them and they only got you, they are the only ones you can trust. I will always love you" then she hung up. I only got throughout to I love you too before she hung up.

I told Alex and Laura that she will be coming late and we all went to bed. I woke up early the next morning and went to her room to find it empty. I started getting breakfast ready. As I cooked pancakes I just hoped my mum will come in any minute. But she never did.

After breakfast the bell rang. It was Ed one of our family friends. Ed is a tall man with black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. I was hoping he will come with good news, but by the look of his face it didn't look like it was. Laura had to be sent out for this conversation. He came to tell us that our mother died in a car accident last night. It was the worst thing a child can experience to know their mother is dead and you're all alone. When Ed said our mother passed away my heart skipped a beat and my body system felt like it shut down. Tears already found their way out. I turned to look at Alex and he face was wet from the tears and he stood there like a statues. All three of us were so close to our mum that it was the most horrible news to accept.

I am the eldest child of the Johnson family and now it's my responsibility to take care of my siblings.
The next day we got a call from our Aunt Susie she told us to pack our bags and that tomorrow she booked us a plane to fly over to London. After our quite short conversation, I went downstairs to join my siblings. I told them to start getting their bags ready as we are leaving to go live with our Aunt Susie. As I was packing I thought of everything we are forced to leave my friends, my house and all of New York. I thought of mum's last words to me "I will always love you." Although we have to move on I have a feeling my mum still is alive. Packing our bags was the saddest thing we had done. We had to leave everything behind even the place we once called home.

As I packed the last of my clothing, I went outside and lied down in the hammock among the large shady trees. I closed my eyes and remembered the wonderful memories our family had. The time I was five and I was starting school and I held my mum's hand and didn't want to let go and I cried all morning cause I wanted to stay with her. Now I'm crying because she's gone and isn't coming back.

As for our dad who I haven't mentioned well he left us three years ago when I was thirteen. He left us for another family he's been hiding. The last time we saw him was the last two months. He may be our dad but he sure doesn't act like one, all he really cares about is Sandra and her twins. We rather live alone than with him, once we were meant to sleep over for four days we didn't stay for the second day. Sandra is the most horrible person I met, all she does is order Alex, Laura and I around like her slaves.

I fell asleep thinking when I got worked up by Laura. She said she wanted to bake a mud cake as our last happy memory. So we got in the kitchen got our aprons on and put our chef hats on and off we went. We spend about an hour making a mess and cleaning. I then prepared a soup for dinner and we all sat and ate our meal. We all got blankets and watched 'Honey I Shrank the Kids'. After watching the movie I tucked Laura in bed like mum used to do and read her a bedtime story. When I finished reading she was sound asleep.


I woke up by my annoying alarm ringing on my bedside table. I rubbed my eyes and looked around at my packed bags. Well today is the day to say goodbye. I went and woke up Alex and Laura and told them to get up. Alex is special and needs me to wake him up twice. After about an hour an hour we had our family friend Ed drives us to the airport. I think this isn't his usually waking up time as his hair looked un-brushed. As we arrived at the airport we ordered a hot chocolate each and a coffee for Ed and sat in the café sipping our drinks. Soon after the three of us were on the plane and we left off to London.


As we sat leaning against each other and we discussed about what London might be like. A plane attendant came and took our orders. I took one of my favourite's lasagne and Alex and Laura took the usual Spaghetti Bolognese followed by a chocolate pudding each. The food was really good. On our journey we mostly slept, had a conversation among ourselves or tried entertaining ourselves.





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