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When the plane started to land we looked out through the window and down at London. It was beautiful. A part of me wanted to go back to New York but the other part of me wants to go explore London. I always wanted to live in London.

When we landed we had to go through all this security before we got to go meet our Aunt Susie. I hardly recognised Aunt Susie she changed so much since the last three years since we've seen her. She lost a lot of weight and it's seemed like she finally stopped dying her hair. She looked a lot healthier. We all were glad to see her and we all gave her a hug. When I looked at her I saw my mother in her. They looked so much alike and were so close, trust me nothing could ever break the bond between them. Well other than death.

Aunt Susie took us on a quick tour around, before going to her place. When we got home we were kindly welcomed by her family. Their house was huge and beautiful. We caught up with our cousins quickly. Jess was the oldest in her family she was seventeen and then we had Josh who was fourteen and the twins Milly and Molly the same age as Laura. Jess and Josh were only a year older than Alex and I.

We sat down and had breakfast with the family until our cousins took us on a tour around the house. They had an amazing indoor swimming pool, I loved swimming and just being in the water itself, back in New York I was part of a squads group. I competed for the first time when I was thirteen I then won my first silver medal. Ever since then I attended many competitions. Swimming was the sport where I have an awesome time. Sadly I had to leave all that behind; hopefully I could join a squads group here in London. It would be great and I would be able to train daily and hopefully be able to compete in competitions.

They then showed us to our rooms which were downstairs. Laura had the room next to mine and Alex was at the end of the corridors. They all were close together and were really big. My room here is huge like of the limit huge and I thought my room in New York was huge. Back in New York my room was really big. I had the biggest room out of all my friends that's usually why all the sleepovers were at my house, I personally thought my mum got annoyed at how 90% of the time all the sleepovers were at my house. She never said anything though I guess because she saw me always happy.

Laura's room already had lots of stuffed toys and a doll house. She seemed really happy about that she wanted to get one so badly that our mum made a deal with her that she will get her one for her birthday which is around a week away. It was good to see her all excited. At least something can cheer her up after the horrifying news we had to accept. Alex was happy with his room too that he started unpacking straight away. I bet he wanted to get it over and done with so he can go and play video games all night with Josh. Boys these days!

I went to Laura's room to help unpack and Jess offered to help too. Jess and I were quite close from a distance, I used to always text her from New York and we used to come for visits on occasions. Though for the past three years we only had contact thought text and calls that was it. Today is the first time I've seen her since the past three years. After about half an hour we moved to unpacking my stuff. She asked me about New York and how it was. We spoke about nearly everything that happened in the past 3 years in about an hour.

Jess left me as she had to go do an assignment. I sat on my bed and looked around at my room. I was busy unpacking my clothes that I didn't take notice of it. It was huge and beautiful. Two sides of the wall were a light purple and the other two sides were plain white. Everything in my room was decorated in purple or white. Purple is my favourite colour. I had a queen sized bed with purple covers and two white bedsides tables. I had a big white corner desk at the end of the room. I also had a white dresser. I even had my own walk in wardrobe. I can't believe it and my own bathroom. I feel like the luckiest girl in whole of London. Everything in this room is matching; my family sure does have a sense of style. I still think this room is a dream like when I wake up tomorrow morning I it will be just a normal plain bedroom.

After my room tour, I went on my purple laptop sitting on my desk and started emailing my friends back in New York. I decided to go upstairs to see if Jess is finished yet. Luckily she was and we just sat on her bed and began a conversation. It's amazing how much girls need to say, all boys do is say hello and start playing video games nonstop.






During our conversation my Aunt Susie knocked on Jess's door and came in. She told me that tomorrow we will be going to New York to attend my mum's funeral and we will be staying for another few days. I already had tears falling down my cheeks Aunt Susie gave me a big hug and I could see that a tear fell pass her cheeks too. After we calmed down a bit she said that dinner will be ready in 10minutes as she left us alone.

Jess and I went to go check up on Laura and Alex. Laura was already playing Barbie with Milly and Molly. Alex and Josh already started playing video games. My siblings seemed to have settled in well and were happy so I decided to tell them about the funeral later tonight or wait for Aunt Susie to mention it instead. We had a great meal for dinner that Aunt Susie especially made for us. After dinner we only were allowed to stay up for an hour and then we have to be in bed as tomorrow we have a plane to catch.

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