t w e n t y - f i v e

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Antony frowned as his mind wandered to the report Kade had brought to him just yesterday. If there were, indeed, signs of some sort of rebel activity, it could be very bad for the kingdom.

He sighed.

It looked as though his hope of having time to adjust to being king before any problems arose was futile.

He pulled his chainmail on over his simple cotton shirt, and put on his red tunic and sword belt. Then he slid his sword into its sheath and turned to John, who was assisting him this particular morning, due to his lack of a manservant.

"Your shoulder armor, Sir."

Antony stood straight, as John fastened the armor over his shoulder, pulling the strap tightly in place. He took the arm gauntlets from John and strapped them on himself, then stood before the mirror, as John fastened his scarlet cloak over his shoulders.

"Good luck, Sire," he said, smiling, and bowing slightly.

"Thank you, John," he said. "You're dismissed now. I appreciated your help."

"Thank you, Sire," said John, bowing again, and then leaving.

Antony left soon after, striding down the hallway, his cloak whipping behind him.

At the bottom of the stairs, Kade fell into step beside him.

"Ready, Sire?"

"Kade, what have I told you about that?"

"Sorry. Ready, Antony?"

"As I'll ever be, Kade."

Fulton held the door open and the two of them exited the building, crossing the courtyard to where the members of the guard had assembled with their horses. Each man greeted Antony, bowing slightly. All of them seemed a bit impatient to be off, wanting to get on their way.

However, Kade disappeared for a few moments and they were left to wait.

Antony occupied himself by mounting Emery and trotting the anxious horse around the courtyard a few times.

As he passed the front of the palace once again, he happened to glance up, and to see Meredith standing at the window. He made eye contact with her and held it. After a while, he gave her a polite wave. She disappeared from the window.

Meredith quickly pulled the curtains shut

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Meredith quickly pulled the curtains shut.

Everywhere she turned lately, at least in the past couple of days since the coronation, there was Antony. She couldn't seem to get away from him.

That was a problem, considering the state of her circumstances and the secrets she wasn't telling her employers.

Besides that, she didn't like the way she felt around him. She found herself feeling tongue-tied and unable to speak properly. She hated that feeling.

Needless to say, she was happy that he'd be gone for a while, leaving her in peace at the palace.

She thought about John and his invitation to the servants' party. She smiled and allowed her anticipation of the event to buoy her as she made her way out of the palace to the stables to talk to Evan.

She took a deep breath as she came to the door of the stables. The stalls were well-kept, so the smell wasn't bad like it was at the livery in Dunkirk. It was a heady smell here, with the scent of fresh straw mixing with the scent of sweat.

Meredith found Evan near the back of the stables, brushing down a paint mare that she recognized as Isabella's horse, Ria. He looked up when he saw her, and smiled.

"I know it's the princess's horse..." he said. "But she's a beauty, isn't she?"

"She is," agreed Meredith.

The two were silent for a few moments. Evan moved around to the other side of the horse, and glanced at Meredith over Ria's back, watching her even as his hands directed the brush confidently, making the horse winnie in pleasure.

Finally Meredith spoke.

"Evan," she said. "I've been meaning to speak to you."

"What about? You've not been to see me in a while. What's wrong?"

She sighed.

"I've been doing some thinking, Evan," she finally admitted.

"About what?"

She came to stand across from him, stroking Ria's neck gently as she spoke.

"What if someone related to you did something that was...well, terrible. Maybe unforgiveable."

"Ok...I might be a bit ashamed to be related to them."

"That's what I would think." She paused. "You wouldn't want to be blamed or held responsible for their crimes, would you?"

"No, of course I wouldn't."

She sighed. "That's what I thought."

"What's this all about, Mer?" he asked, a frown knitting his forehead.

"I was thinking about Isabella. If you knew her...She's not the sort of person who would have condoned what her uncle did to our father."

Evan's frown deepened, and the hand moving the brush stilled. She pressed on, not giving him a chance to speak.

"And not just Isabella! I've spoken to or interacted with every member of the royal family, except the Princess Therese, and they're all kind and honest. I've been thanked more times than I can recall for my service to Isabella. Princess Olivya treated me to breakfast this morning. King Antony saw me walking to town yesterday and offered me a ride down. Isabella gives me time off whenever I ask for it; I was off the entire day yesterday, and the first half of today was mine to do as I pleased."

Evan avoided her gaze, absentmindedly stroking Ria's neck, deep in thought. Finally, he spoke.

"Meredith, I just don't want you to be hurt. What if they aren't that different from Rupert? What if one day they do something to hurt our family, and you lose your new-found...friends. How can you trust that they have your best interests at heart when they don't even know who you really are? How would they treat you then?"

Meredith didn't have anything to say to this, so she remained silent.

"Proceed with caution, Mer. And please...come talk to me more often. I may not always agree with you...but can't we just talk through things?"

"Of course, Evan," she said. "I'll come more often. I was...afraid of what your reaction would be when I told you what I'd come to think of the royal family."

"I don't necessarily agree, Mer, but I can't stop you, can I? I can only watch carefully so that, if you need me, I'll be here."

She didn't say anything to this, just stepped forward and hugged him.

"Thanks, Evan. I'm sorry for staying away so long."

"You always come back sooner or later."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He pulled back slightly, and observed her for a few moments, then sighed.

"Just don't forget who your family is, Mer. Don't forget those of us who will always care about you."

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