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You're Point Of View
    I had finish all of my dutys of cleaning, through all of it the Red head still stayed sleeping on the couch. I grabbed a pocky stick and took a few bites at it watching him, it would be fun to mess with him while he was asleep.

Tatara Totsuka: Be there soon (Y/N)-Chan if your still there.

With minimal amount of time I wanted to have fun, I kneeled down by Mikoto.
"Hey! Mikoto wake up!" I whispered, receiving nothing you could assume this man was dead. I started to poke his face with the piece of pocky in my mouth, quickly picking it out of my mouth and taking another bite.
"Mikoto!" this time I screamed, with quick reflexes I threw my hand infront of my face. The couch quickly ignited into sharp flames, I felt cringing pains on the back of my hand.
I could hear the panting of his heavy breathing, Mikoto didn't seem to be the guy to have emotions but it looked as if he were about to weep.
He placed his hand placed over his face, my eyes widened.
"Are you okay!?" I was so shocked that was all I could say, I didn't understand what had just happened. I pounced up, finding no better way to help. I wrapped my arms around him, I had frightened him as he gave a quick shiver. I released myself, I had really regretted waking him up. I looked at the couch and it was burned, I sighed and remembered my hand.
"Does it hurt?" He grabbed my arm and examined it, I tilted my head back.
He scurried up to his feet almost slipping in the process, it was kinda weird for a big guy like him to do so.
He was carrying a tiny kit, he sat in front of me, he gave me a look of sorrow.
"This might hurt, I'm sorry," he looked down apologizing.
He put a cloth over my hand witch had only hurt a tiny bit, he pulled out some sort of cream. He lifted the cloth and smeared it on my hand, I gasped grabbing his shoulder. The pain was unbearable, he put some sort of white thing on it, he grabbed a wrap and began to wrap my hand.
"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Too tight!" I screamed the pain was digging into me, "Sorry, Sorry!" He unwrapped it and began re wrapping it.
"Thanks! This is gonna be a narley scar," I was twisting and Turing my hand.
How cool!
Mikoto didn't seem amused by how I wasn't concerned. I looked at the finished wrapping and watched him, he actually seemed upset like he did something wrong.
"Hey, Look it's okay! I'm fine," I gave him a thumbs up.
"What about the couch though?" I giggled, but still terrified how it just caught fire.
"Izumo will take care of that, I'm sorry about your hand," I gave him a side hug making him tense up.
"You didn't do it so it's fine, please stop worrying," I said calmly using the couch as a leverage I slowly helped myself up.
"Sorry for waking you, but any-"
I was interrupted but the loud crashing of the door opening, Tatara flew in.
I lifted my hand and waved placing the other behind me,"I was just leaving, what's was the rush to come in?" I turned pulling my burned hand in front of me and grabbed my bags.
"See you all tomorrow!" I stuck my hand in my bag as I walked out, he would find out sooner or later but I didn't want Mikoto getting the lecture of his life.
As I walked back to the motel I stopped, I turned around and ran back towards the place I had at once called home. I stood outside and could smell the horrid of rotting blood and flesh, if people knew they were dead why in hell wouldn't they call someone. I found a jar of money I used to keep hidden. Plugging my nose I grabbed a phone out of the dead mans pocket, by how long he had been here I couldn't identify him.

911 what's your emergency.

I coughed trying to make my throat sound deeper, Giving the woman the address telling her about the bodies.

Before she could say any thing else I hung up and ran out of the building with my jar, it took me longer to get to the motel, but I managed to make it back. I slugged down onto my bed breath hard, trying to catch my breath.
I curled up into a tiny ball and slept, restlessly.
My alarm woke me up to a sound of panic, I still had on yesterday's makeup so I threw on casual everyday clothes.
As I was walking out of the door my phone began to buzz, causing me to cringe. When I had pulled my phone out of my pocket I sighed,
"Uhh, (Y/N) can you come down here quick. I need extra help, I know it a day off but please?"

Izumo sounded worried about something, I immediately smiled hearing a voice in the back ground.

"Morning lil-chan!" Tartara sounded extremely exited, I found it rather weird for him not to say my name today.
The whole rush there I cursed myself out for stopping and grabbing more candy, though it did satisfy my taste buds quickly. My hand started to beat once again, I had suddenly froze.
"Shit!" I groaned, I forgot to cover my hand.
"Your such a retarded!" I slumped my opposite hand over my face, mumbling words to myself.
From were I was standing now I could clearly see the bar, I could feel my heart quicken its beat.
I pushed open the doors, and smiled.
"Morning!" I waved my hand, examining the room the couch had been removed.
I immediately dropped my bags, I could feel my self prickle in to tears.

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