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"Good morning class!" Mr Felix our history teacher greeted warmly
"Morning sir we all ecoed"

I wasn't a history fan per say, I preferred things like Maths or Physics.
Things that will make you feel like you're in school, not histories of dead people,or who killed who
i hissed mentally

"Today we are going to be talking about the History of...
Then went to write something on the board

I exclaimed loudly which made Everyone to turn and look at me, I didn't know i was that loud i said mentally,
I smiled sheepishly trying to hide the  embarrassment

History of science!
The voice in my head screamed
That's fantastic I said in almost a whisper
I have always love to read books about science, astronomy, philosophy and all those stuffs you know i said mentally

"Who knows anything about this topic?" Mr Felix asked

I felt like raising my hands and pouring out all i know starting from all those fictous theories about evolution of man to the invention of rockets and co, but I couldn't
I know am not that kind of social freak, I don't want to be called names and wateva.

Then i saw a boy raising his hands up
I have noticed him as one of those students who always want to get noticed by every teacher

I had others do call him "mr know it all", well I don't want to be like him I groaned mentally

"Yes Victor, you have something to say?" Mr Felix asked

"Yes Sir!" He replied with full confidence
Well!, science is a very wide concept that can be viewed through many perspectives, it covers practical all aspects of human and non human life. Starting from how humans evolved from the science perspective, down to technological world.

"Well-done Victor! Well-done he said repeatedly,

Well that's the summary of what is going to be taught today, but we are going to focus more on some major parts like our heroic scientist's that helped shaped our world Mr Felix said

I almost felt like screaming out names of scientists i have read about, because the voice in me couldn't just keep calm

Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955. A very great scientist in history, he carried out many experiments and discoveries such as the
Einstein’s theories of special & general relativity  which delivered a remarkable transformation in our understanding of light, gravity, and time, while special relativity yielded the most famous equation in history, E = mc .
Einstein explained the photoelectric effect, and provided powerful evidence that atoms and molecules actually exist. I know most of you will come across one or two of his works in highschools

The next scientist in history is Empedocles c. 490 BC – c 430 BC.
One of the first scientist before the advancement of science and technology, tracing back to the ancient times
he formulated an ancient theory of natural selection; mass conservation; and the four elements which are now often misattributed to Aristotle. Aristotle is also known to be the Father of science

Michael Faraday 1791 – 1867
This is the Father of electromagnetism Mr Felix said smiling
He discovered electromagnetic induction; devised Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; discovered the first experimental link between light and magnetism; carried out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a gas; discovered benzene.

Benjamin Franklin 1881 – 1955.
A founding father of the USA, Franklin shaped our understanding of electricity, coined the electrical terms positive and negative, and invented the lightning rod and bifocal spectacles.

Galileo Galilei 1564 – 1642.
The father of modern science, Galileo discovered the first moons ever known to orbit another planet and that the Milky Way is made of stars. He rationalized how objects are affected by gravity, stated the principle of inertia, and proposed the first theory of relativity.......

Bell rings for next class

I sighed in relief, thank God this class was only a period because am beginning to get confuse whether it's a history class or a science class,
the man is just to boring to teach science history i said mentally

Hey Fatima! Fatima! Fatima!
A familiar voice brought me out of my trance

Yes! Fauzie i said while smiling at my new friend who happens to love tailing me, every now and then

"What club did you register for"? She asked
"Club! , I don't understand what you mean by club

I did know much about all this extracurricular activities,so I didn't bother registering any i said mentally

"Don't tell me you don't have a club" Fauzie said excitedly
"Well that's good news, we can both register for the same club she said holding my hands tightly

"Yeah, I guess i said so as not to kill her spirit

I just hope she also loves sciences, cause am so not going to register for any cheer leading stuff or gym i thought

"So do you like Maths, she said breaking the silence,

I popped my eyes out involuntary to her question
"What! Are you seriously asking me that question? I replied
"I have always loved maths I think since from birth, i said after a short silence

Which made her laugh out so hard, I joined her not knowing why i was laughing, though I think her laughter was the one making me laugh

We finished our registrations, thier was little argument and laughter before we headed back for our remaining classes.


Hey guys!
I know you are all eager to just know how NUMBERS works for Fatima, me too😁...but she just started a new school and needs to adapt first you know, beside she a timid kinda person, just don't under estimate her glasses😉....

See you in the next chapter,opss before I forget how was dis chapter?
Awesome,boring, thrilling...blah blah..lemme here them all in your comment

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